Obama Golf Counter Update.

As Mr. Obama rides cross country attending more fundraisers and campaign events than any president in history (historic presidency indeed; historic campaigning, historic debt, historic deficits, historic unemployment; historic number of people on food stamps…yadda yadda yadda..)  he still seems to be finding time for Golf. That’s right people, “Fore” more years–he should have bumper … Read more

Educating With Hassan

Hassan will stand up for unions not education

Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan has a banner ad running over at the Concord Monitor with the pull quote…’I’ll Stand up to anyone who wants to cut Education.’ 

This is a dirty lie.

Any effort to expand education outside that narrow corridor of Democrat political influence will be blocked.  Any existing programs that support education without government directed taxpayer dollars should expect to be cut given the chance.

But Maggie Hassan will stand up…to anyone who tries to educate their kids without public schools staffed by members of the Teachers unions (or outside of pricey private schools for the “fiscally gifted,” that are beyond the reach of all but the very wealthy).  Hassan will stand up to defend statist, top-down, government managed, public education.  She’ll stand up to spend more of your taxpayer dollars on the inefficient state university system.  And like most Democrats she will do anything and everything in her power to protect that government monopoly by cutting into or cutting off any competition.

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Passing the Buck on Welfare Work Requirements

Waving the job requirement for welfare seems like a natural extension of the Obama Economic plan.  Make sure there are no jobs, keep people dependent on government.  And now he can blame the states…who are suffering under every other yoke he has placed upon them in three in half years. Hey, maybe he’ll send Biden … Read more

Are Democrats Really This Stupid?

The latest presidential campaign message to come from the Smartest guy ever to hold the Office™ is that the presumptive Republican opponent is like Robin Hood. They are calling him “Romney Hood.” That’s right.  With the accumulated knowledge of a Drove (or better yet a Flange, Wake, Venue, or Kettle) of White Tower intellectual and … Read more

We Tried Our Plan and it Worked….

Red meat, low hanging fruit, softballs?  Call it what you like but whomever is charged with working the mouth on the Obama-Muppet this month is either an idiot themsleves, thinks you are all idiots, or is so disconnected from the reality of America Today that they are dangerous. ‘You didn’t build that’ was a great … Read more

Have You Met Julia?

Have you met Julia?  She’s you under the eternal reign of Obamanomics–as viewed from within the left wing ghetto. From Red State Over at Human Events, my colleague David Harsanyi writes “Who the hell is ‘Julia,’ and why am I paying for her whole life?” It’s a fair question. According to Obama’s campaign website, someone … Read more

A New Front in The War on Women – Do Liberal Chicks Dig Polygamy?

Piggy-backing off of Tim’s post on Mark Steyn’s recent article, I think the polygamy thing (which Tim does not mention) is worth visiting–repeatedly of course–just to remind everyone of the kind of campaign this has been and will continue to be.  Nothing coming from the Obama side will be relevant or substantive, everything utter nonsense.  And nonsense with the same lack of sourcing on the Democrat side as we’ve seen in everything they do.

From Mark Steyn’s recent article

For their next exploding cigar, the Democrats chose polygamy. Brian Schweitzer, the Democrat governor of Montana, remarked that Romney was unlikely to appeal to women because his father was “born on a polygamy commune.” Eighty-six percent of women, noted Gov. Schweitzer with a keenly forensic demographic eye, are “not great fans of polygamy.” You can understand the 86 percent’s ickiness at the whole freaky-weirdy idea of a president descended from someone who had multiple wives. Eww.

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Elvis, Osama bin Laden, and Jim Morrison Walk Into A Baskin Robbins….

ElvisAs a rule, the lefts interest in photographs of the dead are limited to political hits on opponents, or moody propaganda pieces for the anointed one. (Obama honors war dead–look, see–pictures.)  So can releasing the pictures of an ex-Osama provide some political advantage today? 

I feel comfortable stating right out front that I don’t think they’ll show us any pictures unless Obama looks as if he’ll lose in 2012.   They will make excuses and hem and haw, to intentionally create another conspiracy theory; that Osama is being held on the same sound stage where we faked the moon landing–or…something like that. 

And they will do it because the political distraction of pictures unseen, and a death unconfirmed, dragged out for months or years, has the potential to create a "deather" movement that can be used to distract the American people from a larger problem; high unemployment, rising inflation, and the return of stagflation and the misery index.  At least in theory.  Mr. Obama does need all the misdirection he can get, and any situation that pits his word against that of others, where no hard evidence exists to refute him, fuels the mission statement and puts meat on the bones of the narrative; his detractors are a bunch of wacky racists looking for a reason to smear Dear Leader.

So a photograph, like a birth certificate which exists but that has only been confirmed by reputable sources, is the perfect foil for the legions of cynics who realize that most everything that comes from the mouths of this Executive branch are more like the words of Satan; if not outright lies, they are half truths riddled with omissions, and always with a shelf life.  No "body," hidden pictures…even the most pragmatic person will feel inclined towards doubt.

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Obama – Campaign 2012 Prep-Talk!

Obama%202012.JPGThe Obama campaign has released it’s "trailer" for the 2012 campaign movie called "I’m In."  I’m not, but since they sent it to me I figured I’d watch it. Jim Messina, Obama’s campaign manager, clues us in, and the first slide he shows us is this one.

My mind translated these five points into "truths" almost immediately–which is what encouraged me to write this post.

1. Register more illegal aliens, cartoon characters, and dead people.

2. Make up more names–useful as both voters and undisclosed credit card donors.

3.  Use that money to buy more astroturfers.

4.  Figure out if we need to register more fake names, and get more illegal contributions to buy more astroturfers.

5. If we don’t think we can steal it just intimidate whitey–no one will prosecute.

So right out of the gate we’ve got possibilities.  Unfortunately, the remaining discussion and slides, while exciting to whatever Obamazombies may still have the juice to lie and deceive for dear leader, and more like an Amway sales pitch with lots of talk about how new and different this campaign is, but how they’ll have to do the same things they did before–just better.

One problem.  Obama has a record that his supporters and the media cannot hide.  So be prepared to listen to the horde of left wing liars as they spread like a disease across your neighborhood to sell Obama 2.0.

My suggestion?  Ask them the questions the media never did.  Challenge every assumption.  give them facts, and send them away crying behind their clip-boards.

The entire video is available on the jump.

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