Wal-Mart: Making Stuff Up as We Merrily Go Along

“Wal-mart… do they like make walls there?” —Paris Hilton

I truly dislike Walmart. Back in April, I detailed in my column why Wal-Mart is anti-gun, “but it’s a secret.” Having gone to Wal-Mart for some tires, I felt myself lectured and admonished by a technician over the mere presence of an unloaded firearm present in my vehicle. I told the Wal-Mart lackey in no uncertain terms that he was full of crap and that he was making stuff up.

This past Saturday, Londonderry Fish & Game Club, Inc. facilitated the “Smart Girl Politics event, “Armed and Fabulous” for its’ members. While at the event, Grokster and SGP Coordinator Susan Olsen related an ever-so-familiar event that occurred at Wal-Mart…huh…no big surprise there.  Susan and her husband Alan had stopped at Wal-Mart on thier way to the event to pick up some ammunition. Upon requesting the ammunition, a request from a lackey Wal-Mart clerk followed: “May I see your drivers’ license?”

For What? Clearly, reasonable people would agree that Alan and Susan are over the age of twenty-one. The clerk then explained that, “If we were in Massachusetts, ammunition could not be sold without a valid Firearms I.D. card. FINE. Glad he or she knows MA law. Why is he or she not so up-to-date on New Hampshire Law (or lack of) while working in New Hampshire? When in Rome, do as the Romans do, I say.

Like I said,  THIS IS NEW HAMPSHIRE, NOT MASSACHUSETTS.  The Granite State has no such requirements. Seems to me if Wal-Mart has/had such a policy such a policy should be posted over the ammunition counter. Fact is, they don’t.  Wal-Mart Corporate relies on each particular states’ law. Everything else is concocted and contrived.

This is not a statement on Wal-Mart’s treatment of its’ employees, its’ low wages or its’ manipulation of local markets. A significant portion of all that hullabaloo is Unionist propaganda created by Union hacks who have failed to gain a toe-hold in Walmart. This is a statement, rather, on how they engage in commerce.  It’s plain dishonest.

People complain that Wal-Mart (and other big box stores, for that matter) manipulate local markets, driving out the Mom and Pop’s. Thats bull. Fact is, Wal-Mart and its other big box companions are far too incompetent to really do that. Wal-Mart has a plethora of low-priced merchandise. But, few choices for tastes and preferences. If I need a plumbing part for a particular band of toilet, I find I can go to the local Tru-Value and be in and out in five minutes or less, while the same trip to Home Depot or Lowe’s takes twice the time and there is a high likelihood  I am going to leave empty-handed.

Wal-Mart was in the gun business for a very long time. They sold guns…Erstwhile, they gave to the Brady Campaign to prevent Gun Violence. A group we all very well know has an underlying goal to remove guns from the hands of its citizens by advocating for such legislative fiats.

In 2007, Walmart essentially got out of the gun-selling business and the hues, howls and cries from the gun community bellowed “to and fro.” Not me, I thought this was a good business move. Anybody who knows anything about guns is familiar with the term, “Wal-Mart Special.,”  denoting the lowest grade rifles and shotguns retailed by Wal-Mart  self-evident in the fit, finish and quality of  firearm. Exclusively made for Wal-Mart, these firearms do not garner decent resale values.

Wal-Mart getting out of the gun-selling business was a great idea, I thought. These guns just plain suck. Ergo, the addition to our lexicon of gun lingo,  the term, “Wal-Mart Special,”denoting a cheaply made low-quality gun garnering little value.

Ever try to buy Ammunition for a 45-70 Gov’t at Wal-Mart? They don’t carry it here. The ammunition Wal-Mart carries is your basic common caliber stuff. Most like me have to go to a gun store, even if we had hoped to purchase at Wal-Mart. Finally, the price of ammunition at Wal-Mart is not all that great..perhaps the difference in price might be fifty cents to a dollar. Hardly worth the gas money to make the trip. 

Again, this is not about Wal-Mart and their station in the community. This is about Wal-Mart’s dishonesty…treating customers as if they are stupid…their rank statist ass-kissing and bending over for bureaucratic hacks. If the jerk clerk asks for an ID to purchase ammunition, ask to see the store policy in writing; If it cannot be produced, ask to see a manager. This isn’t about some notion of showing an ID. ID’s are a fact of life today. This is about keeping Wal-Mart accountable for their policies (or lack thereof) Don’t let these people lie to you.

Lastly, I always seem to attract some rabid defender of Wal-Mart here…save your breath and your typing fingers….its boring.

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