10 top and 10 bottom of College Endowment funds – how well would they respond to “spread the wealth around”?


Certainly there is a LARGE disparity between these funds that allow university systems fund either “new” stuff or offset the cost of attendance to their places of higher learning to economically disadvantaged students (or so we are led to believe):


Rank Name State Funds
1 Harvard University MA 31,728,080,000
2 Yale University CT 19,374,000,000
3 University of Texas System TX 17,148,649,000
4 Princeton University NJ 17,109,508,000
5 Stanford University CA 16,502,606,000
6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA 9,712,628,000
7 University of Michigan MI 7,834,752,000
8 Columbia University NY 7,789,578,000
9 Northwestern University IL 7,182,745,000
10 Texas A&M University System & Foundations TX 6,999,517,000
830 Naval Postgraduate School Foundation CA 4,143,000
831 Music Institute of Chicago IL 3,500,000
832 Great Basin College Foundation (Pooled Endowment) NV 3,428,000
833 California Maritime Academy Foundation, Inc. CA 3,289,000
834 Metropolitan State University Foundation MN 2,627,000
835 Laboure College MA 1,967,000
836 Texas College TX 1,593,000
837 Great Basin College Foundation (DWRF NV 1,145,000
Maintenance Endowment)
838 Georgia Perimeter College GA 823,000
839 Southern Virginia University VA 574,000

DollarBucketAt at an annual cost of $52,600 / year, Harvard’s endowment could sponsor 603,200 students at no cost to them (note sliding scale for Harvard here, after being called out about the size of their endowment a few years ago).  If one were to take the same cost to the smallest fund at Souther Virginia, the student number is 11.  I do notice that one of Obama’s former haunts, Columbia, is at #8.

Wonder why he hasn’t called for these institutions of higher learning to share their wealth as he constantly is for individuals?  Why should one be “punished” for not being able to raise as much money as Harvard?  Why should the “the rich get richer”?  Are they stealing from the “poorer” universities?

(H/T: Study is here, The College Fix)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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