When you give the reins of power, you have done so because of their rhetoric. What you actually end up with is the results of their philosophy. Like their actions not reflecting their rhetoric:
Obama PROMISED, his minions PROMISED that the Stimulus would keep more Americans off the dole and gainfully employed if we just. allowed. them. to. put. us. into. debt. by. $798 Billion.
He gets to run on this results of his actions based on his rhetoric. What’s his message to all those that have stopped looking for work? Is his “shared responsibility” working for them? I doubt it. I know it. The economy needs to create 300,000 new jobs EVERY MONTH to start cutting the real unemployment rate. Obama and his minions never want want you to consider that THIS unemployment rate does NOT include those that are “underemployed” or those that have just simply given up. No, they aren’t counted, but that doesn’t mean that they are doing what they want.
Remember, Obama’s Administration promised that unemployment would 5.8%. Compare that to their actual result (rosy though it may be).
And you want to give him 4 more years now that he is #1 for the most consecutive months of > 8% unemployment rate evah?
Sorry Progressive and Obama devotee dudes, the time frame for blaming Bush is over – keep it up and we’ll peg you as overachievers only in the “Best Whiners” category.