Harry Reid has been told to keep things from reaching Mr. Obama’s desk that might make Obama look bad. So for over 1000 days the Democrats have avoided passing a budget. The House has sent them plenty of budget related items, complete budgets, budget measures, spending and revenue measures, all dead or dying in the Senate, where Democrats own the landscape.
What’s that? It’s the Republicans fault we don’t have a budget? Sorry, that just aint so.
You can’t filibuster the budget. The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 stipulates that debate is automatically cut off after 50 hours of debate. At that point, a budget can be passed by a simple majority, 51 votes. Democrats currently hold 53 seats in the Senate. They can pass a budget on a simple party-line vote.
You might ask yourself why, when the Democrats had the votes for two years, and both Houses, they refused to pass a budget?
The answer would be politics. They could not be honest about what they wanted because the electorate was in rebellion over their spending agenda. So they simply chose not to pass a budget for political reasons.
The Democrats no longer control the House, but they do control the Senate and the White House, and nothing has changed. They still refuse to consider a budget for the exact same reason. It is not about their responsibility or their duty, it is about playing politics to retain power.
If you want to continue to beat them at the ballot box, you simply need to show the people that the left is not interested in what the people want, they are interested in robbing them of their livelihood and their liberty with a government constantly on the edge of generational bankruptcy.