Email Doodlings – 2012 Presidential Primary – whose next?

by Skip

Well, on yet another email thread I’m on, just before I decided to be a rock Fool, I got the question (else I would have posted earlier):

Tim, Johnson’s likely to run 3rd party, due to the media freeze-out.  Cain is now out.  So who’s left?  Or perhaps, who’s right?

What’s the Granite Grok crew going to do now? Skip?

Good question – what are we going to do? (edited slightly)

TPaw is out.  Cain is out (I think) [not clear at the time that his “re-assessment” would translate as “I’m done”  -Skip].  Roemer will not be the nominee.  Johnson will not be the nominee.  Bachmann is done here in the State, and I think in Iowa as well because of her gaffes and the media spotlight on them.  She had a shot as being the TEA Party person (as did Cain) but lost it.  She will not be the nominee.

Here’s where I get the hate mail – Ron Paul has punched well above his weight – getting good polling numbers, setting the agenda on the fiscal side,  and has united the Libertarians (I believe).  But I don’t believe that he will be the nominee; why? Many Conservatives like me are just plain scared of his foreign policy.  Look, that’s it and plainly spoken.  NO amount of folks saying otherwise here (heh!  Like <redacted> and <reacted again>; love you dearly but on this, save your fingertips) is going to change that.  Period.

It could be Perry, but doubtful – he IS a far better speaker in person than in a debate, but the latter is what has nailed him.  And in this Cycle, that was crucial.

I think it is between Romney, and the anti-Romney.  And rapidly, I think, EVEN as he really is Mr. Insider, that will be Newt.  More here (thanks for that lovely sequeway for the link, sir!).

What is the ‘Grok going to do?  We had endorsed Cain well before the allegations came out.  Now?  Frankly, not sure.  Almost all of us had Cain as #1 or #2 except for one who was for Ron Paul.  Presently, we are agreed upon the idea that we are waiting for a week (or more) to better examine who, what, and where.  We did get “nailed” for endorsing someone that has now been hounded out of the race (funny, all of the allegations came ONLY from the 3 year span at the (Chicago based?) National Restaurant Association – and none from the rest of his 40 year professional career or other large company experience.  And yes, his foreign policy answers, well (to be very kind), were weak at best.

So, the answer is – dunno just yet.  We all may make a decision, yet that decision might be that it is everybody makes their own decision.  I have not yet made up my mind – emphasis on yet.


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