Email Doodlings – 2012 Presidential Primary – whose next?

by Skip

Well, on yet another email thread I’m on, just before I decided to be a rock Fool, I got the question (else I would have posted earlier):

Tim, Johnson’s likely to run 3rd party, due to the media freeze-out.  Cain is now out.  So who’s left?  Or perhaps, who’s right?

What’s the Granite Grok crew going to do now? Skip?

Good question – what are we going to do? (edited slightly)

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Will Libertarians Help Obama Win Re-election?

It is rumored that Governor Gary Johnson might consider a third party run as the Libertarian candidate.  Given that a center right GOP electorate will not be nominating Ron Paul, and Ron Paul seems to have enough sense not to split the party himself, a Johnson third party run presents some interesting possibilities, including the likely reelection of Barack Obama and the knock out punch to the America the Libertarians swear they are defending.

Even if Johnson is right to argue that he has been ignored by the media is having a hissy fit really the answer?  There is no third party electoral victory in America and only an arrogant fool would think otherwise.  The Best hope we have is to continue taking over the GOP and replacing its moderate leadership from below.

But I think the elites in the liberty movement are too impatient for incremental change. Many of the "principled" libertarians are so possessed of their own agenda that they would split the vote giving Obama and the czars four more years of liberty destroying power, rather than elect any other Republican as a stop gap until they can make further in-roads into the party establishment.

A Johnson third party run could be the best thing to happen to Obama since the Media.

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