The Cato Institute (a think tank whose focus is in individual liberty, free markets, and Peace. They just came out with their rankings on State Governors based on how Governors have reacted to the current economic conditions vis-a-vis tax policies and state expenditures. Only 4 received the mark of "A" – one of whom came in state yesterday to talk on behalf of Frank Guinta – that would be Tim Pawlenty.
My Governor, Democrat John "Do Nuttin’" Lynch?
A "D" (how appropo!) with a numerical score of 44, ranked 11th from the bottom
New Hampshire, we can do better than a "D", can’t we?
Oh, by the way, Tim’s was a 66 ranking, tied for third place. And guess what? Another A rated Governor (Hmmm, yet another Republican) will be in State to support John Stephen – that would be Bobby Jindal of Louisiana (scoring a 71).
Looks like the "A" listers see some good stuff here in NH!