Anthony DiFruscia is a democrat from Massachusetts who snuck north and infiltrated the GOP. (Not an uncommon problem for the Granite State). No one had the stones to call him out on it, and year after year he has managed to keep his seat in a Republican leaning district from which he has meddled in other republican races to keep real conservatives from getting elected.
He recently flirted with the idea of leaving the GOP and going with an (I) instead of an (R), but for some reason he’s still a republican and permitted to call himself one.
In response to this a vocal group of actual republicans have risen up to exercise their first amendment rights–making "incendiary" claims about how Mr. DiFruscia’s voting history and the actual GOP platform cannot be brought into alignment without first drinking yourself blind. And they have this crazy idea that the platform actually means something, and that failing to even get close–maybe 80% of the time–is grounds for a much needed "correction."
Their evil plot? Use the primary process for its intended purpose and inform the electorate about the records and choices of the people running to represent them.
In response to this free speech assault the bastion of conservative and constitutional (cough-cough) values that Duh-Fruscia presents to the electorate, has penned a letter which you can read after the jump..
To the Members of the House of Representatives:
In my 20-plus years of running for office, I have never seen a more volatile
race than this year’s. I have been attacked by the ultra-conservatives on
Facebook and on the world wide web. It is unfortunate that Rep. O’Brien,
Rep. Bettencourt and Rep. Bates appear to need to resort to these kinds of
tactics. Clearly, there are too many self-righteous politicians;
self-righteousness bleeds into intolerance-it suffocates understanding. It
is derisive and negative.I propose that after the election we file legislation to prevent anyone from
putting up a Facebook page, website or any other att(a)cks without identifying
themselves as the author. I invite Reps. O’Brien, Bettencourt and Bates to
join me in supporting this legislation. Let it be known that the New
Hampshire House shall not participate in the cowardly tactics of people who
refuse to own up to their actions. The New Hampshire House should not have
a Speaker who tolerates or encourages this kind of behavior.I welcome your comments.
Rep. Anthony DiFruscia
Here’s my comment.
Mr. DiFrusica would like to waste the states time erecting the Facebook version of the Sullivan/Hassan pro-democrat, free speech killing campaign finance law that was rejected by the legislature last year (barely) to keep people from attacking his record without using their real names.
The only reason for that is so that Tony can then intimidate them into silence or with the threat of lawsuits.
Wouldn’t it be easier to just respond to the attacks, and defend your record? We here at granite Grok for example, are presented almost daily with comments from mysterious email addresses created by people (quite often campaign or party people who can’t say what they mean openly for fear of being held to account) who then disagree with us. Our response, if we feel inclined to offer one, is to defend our position and engage in debate.
Why the hell can’t Tony DiFruscia so that? Because the people shining the light on his record are right. He is not much of a republican, and Republicans have better choices.
And what Mr. DiFruscia is selling as one of the more volatile races in years, is actually the taste of vomit in his own mouth as he tastes what he has been serving.
So Mr. DiFruscia’s only avenue is to try and turn a flashlight on you, to keep you from shining one on him.
If that’s not all you need to know to vote for someone else, you must be a liberal, just like Mr. DiFruscia.