We’ve fought revolutions before. There’s a difference though. In 1776 we had patriots who were willing to die for this country. Next month we only need patriots who are willing to inconvenience themselves for a few hours by going to their voting precinct.
In 1776 we had heroes who left bloody footprints on ice covered roads as they marched to battle. Next month we only need patriots who will drive to a polling place and leave marks on ballots.
Everything that our forefathers fought and died for from1776 to 1783, and everything that brave men and women have fought to preserve since independence was won is on the line. Our nation and your freedoms are under assault. The radicals of the 1960s, the people who marched proudly with their red berets and Che Guevara t-shirts are running the show. They love the power of government. You love the vibrancy of freedom. They want to be your rulers. You’re looking for leaders. The ballot box still works … for now. The ballot box is still the most potent weapon you have against tyranny … for now. Use the ballot box next month, or your choice of weapons in the fight for liberty may become much more – shall we say – troubling.
There has never been a more important election in your lifetime …and I mean that no matter how old you may be. Do what needs to be done in 34 days or be eternally damned by future generations of Americans who will be left with nothing else but to read about freedoms and liberties that once were.
– Neal Boortz, radio host / columnist / speaker