Well, my response was not left unanswered – the conversation continued:
You think that bathroom bill help RINO Jeb? I doubt that it factored in to most people’s vote.
They don’t have to cede every issue to the Dems but they should bring up the budget everytime without exception.
Certainly, there are those that still think of Jeb as being a moderate during his time in Congress, but since then, his voting in the NH Senate has been much more in tune with a conservative manner. Sure, there are some votes I have asked him about but on the vast majority of his votes, I have nothing to quibble about.
I do agree, however, with we should ALWAYS ask: "what is the financial consequence of this decision on social issues"? This is not being mean, this is not being cold hearted (as Liberal Progressives try to paint us as) – it is simply being and acting as an adult in assessing "what is the cost of caring"?
And this has to be asked – as Progressives continue to insist that ONLY Government has the wherewithal to provide sustenance and succor to those in need – and they have no regard as to whose money they use nor the amount thereof, truth be told. Can one be any more childish than that: "I want what I want, and I want it NOW – from YOU" with an attitude of "you HAD to have stolen it from the oppressed – *I* will take it back from you".
So my answer was this (and I did answer the question that was posed):
It did make "Bathroom Bud" Martin look foolish, as he refused to state how he would vote on various issues [including this one]. Then, when he finally did, he said one thing to one set of people and the opposite to another. Then finally ‘fessed up with a straight line (sorta).
I’m not downplaying the fiscal issue at all – I’m pointing out that ONLY the bare essentials of Government are ever just fiscal ones. The Dems are using Government to fund all their social issues, or using Government like a club to do the social engineering they want.
Chris – what ELSE is driving all the spending in Concord other THAN the Dem social issues?
But it didn’t stop there….look for the next post…