White Walshing Lynch

Steve MacDonald

I guess the Lynch campaign is busting a kidney over the pressure being put upon them by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).  It looks like NOM bought up $425,000.00 worth of air time with which to expose our little governor to that which he has long become unaccustomed–he will have to stand on something to get elected this time around, and fight for it.

Fairmind over at Red Hampshire get’s the Hat Tip for posting what is basically a whine for help–a fund raising message from Pam Walsh that appeared on Blue Hampshire bemoaning the effort by NOM (with a nod to the Stephen campaign) to mislead.

Well that’s odd.  NOM is going to point out, no doubt, that John Lynch said he would stand up for traditional marriage, but when the House democrats finally strong armed a bill through the House–and make no mistake people, that bill failed the House–governor Lynch broke his promise.

What exactly is misleading about the facts?  Lynch said he would defend traditional marriage. Lynch did not do that.  NOM is going to advertise the truth.

Oh wait.  Liberals fear the truth the way vampires fear sunlight.  So maybe we should pour on the sunshine because something else Lynch did that he said he didn’t do was sneak off to a secret conference of millionaire gay lobby activists to give a speech we never saw, to seek donations.  Yet despite it not being a fund raising trip, he still scored at least $100,0000.00 dollars in donations from the Political OutGiving membership in the form of individual contributions to his campaign.  That must have been some speech. This is of course how they have been pouring money into the state since 2006 to buy up the local politicians to force the gay agenda on New Hampshire.  It worked.  They bought a second vote on a failed bill John Lynch promised he’d never sign.  So maybe John and Pam are a bit annoyed by that fact as well?  I suppose this truth is also misleading?

I think a better question here is who is misleading whom Ms. Walsh?  Is it the governor who is running away from what he did, and what he says he didn’t do, or the people who have the political sense to point out that six years in the governors office have turned whatever it is you thought John Lynch was, into another power hungry insider who will do anything for another day at the taxpayers trough.






  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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