Guest post by Derek "Mac" Kittredge, Rochester Republican City Committee
The TEA parties grew out of the accurately perceived observation that our nation was under attack from the very agency created to protect it from enemies, foreign and domestic ~ our own government! And many state and municipal governments were going rogue as well. Political auto-immune disease, if you will, with gangrene and Stage 4 bureaucracy.
The Marxists couldn’t win elections on their own merits, so they did the next best thing, they took over the Democrat Party. By 1944, Norman Thomas, a former Socialist candidate for President announced that it was no longer necessary for him to run since the Democrats had adopted his platform. Actually, the Democrats were already primed for this as they had been the party of class oriented slave owners and the Ku Klux Klan (Sen. Bob Byrd, WV(D) was the Grande Kleagle of the Klan he organized). Whereas the Republicans were the Abolitionist wing of the Whigs (1853), supporters of Universal Suffrage and abolishers of Jim Crow. We are the Constitution and Liberty party. Today, the Democrat party is totally Marxist on its way to Stalinist fielding Manchurian candidates and those useful idiots posing first as liberals then progressives. Commissars follow Tzars all too soon.
The Republican Party’s biggest problem is that the MSM, Hollywood, TV and our public education system have re-written the GOP story and hidden its mission statement by the inspired use of clever propaganda. The result is, that many Republicans become disaffected, discouraged and stay home. And lose elections. Sure we’ve had our share of opportunists and fools, but remember where the revelations of our collective faults come from. The MSM lies, slants and cherry-picks the stories. Now they are doing this to the TEA party. And America! Think what 90 years of Koolaid has done to the Republican brand. The answer isn’t purges, it’s education! And action.
Realizing this, I joined the Rochester 912 group and told them several things:
- Rallying in groups to discuss the gathering storm was a great first step.
- But that this was, in itself, insufficient because even big demonstrations only work on those who care ~ you can’t shame a termite or change the essential nature of a weasel.
- To effect change, given the current election laws, you must gather where the rubber meets the road, and join hands with the Republican Party.
- To re-invigorate and man our committee, so that it would become an ever more potent voice for Liberty in the NH Legislature, Congress and the Governor’s Mansion.
- That this was the only way to elect Patriots that reflected these values in bold colors.
- I invited the 912 group to join the Rochester Republican City Committee (which I resurrected in 2007) and many did.
We need the Libertarians, the TEA party, 912 and all Liberty minded and Constitution defending activists from all across NH to fill the foxholes and man the electoral ramparts in this election! 2012 will be too late. I hope 2010 isn’t. Like it or not, this is a forever war for America and we are losing! Ben Franklin said it best "If we don’t hang together, we will hang separately!" This is absolutely true today. Obama’s putsch will shortly come to shove! Folks, this is not a drill.
Yours in Liberty,
Mac is a Rochester, NH Republican City Committee member