Erick Erickson is another gentleman that I met a few years ago at the Chicago Sam Adam’s Alliance blogger get together. At that time, RedState, one of the biggest political blogs on the Right, was just really gaining steam in being on of the most influential blogs around – and Erick is one of the reasons for that. Political activist, blogger, elected official, CNN commentator – his absolutely unwavering conservative views afflict the Left tremendously and many on the Right (ok, the Elites in the GOP who cling more to Power than to Constitutional Principles) to return a more limited Government. His main message nowadays is that Conservatives have to take a stand, have to draw that line in the stand, and give no quarter. We cannot accept moderates and the powerful elites (like Trent Lott, who called for co-opting TEA Party candidates) who continues to make the deals that keep taking further and further away from the time and ideals of our founding.
Yes, a constant theme among the online and "meatspace" activists – time to take back our country to less government, less taxation, less regulation, and more reliance on self-responsibility and less dependence upon Government. It is time to rise up from the couches and get out there and support good candidates – it is no longer a time to allow thinking of "someone else will do it". Rather – make sure it is getting done – go do it yourself!
He spoke at the General Session – this is his talk to those at the RightOnline General Session this past Saturday.