Back in April Paul Hodes took the original tack of reminding us that Kelly Ayotte was ‘picked’ by the GOP establishment. It’s a common theme played up by the left so Hodes was just being a good democrat an repeating what he’d been told.
I don’t know what Ms. Ayotte, who was essentially picked by the Washington Republican establishment, thought she was going to get into when she got into the race. But it’s an active primary. New Hampshire has often confounded expectations,” he said. (emphasis mine.)
He’s right about the second part of that. We still can’t figure out how he got elected twice, a problem we shall soon remedy. But it hasn’t confounded the democrat parties insistence that Ayotte was picked by the DC establishment.
Hodes and the Liberasauraus rex have of course ignored the fact that Hodes was anointed by the democrat establishement to the point that people were dissuaded from running against him to save money for what looked like a challangeing re-election season. And while they have to be having buyers remorse–to the point that Dem Chair Ray Buckley may already be writing a press release for the day after in which he claims it was always a republican seat anyway–Hodes is still clinging bitterly to the rhetoric.
While the voters were spreading the field and tightening the race Hodes was already running attack ads against Ayotte, despite now being behind all four prominent GOP primary candidates. And just this week he was implicated in a connection to an illegal push poll–also against Ayotte. So if anyone has picked the GOP Senate primary winner in New Hampshire and continues to anoint her, its the democrats and Paul Hodes which just makes sense. Hodes has chosen the DC establishment party line on everyhting else, why start listening to us now?