Push It Real Good

Push It Real Good

Seems like Ken Hawkins (NH Senate Candidate, D-9 ) is getting a little pushy lately, and is working from the dark side of campaigning.

Residents of Bedford, along with current Senator Ray White (read his letter here), have complained that Hawkins’ campaign is conducting negative “push polling” – against current Senator Andy Sanborn – and it’s not entirely clear if it is being done on the up-and-up.

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The Potemkin Congressman

Hey you...smell my finger.

Paul Hodes, or more likely someone writing as Paul Hodes, took to the safe confines of the Daily Kos to pretend the CD-2 congressman and soon to be private citizen is in fact a vertebrate.  That is to say, he went to the socilist progressive locker room to talk smack about the opposing team.

That alone speaks volumes.


So here’s an excerpt, (original KoS Kontent here)


“I’m sick and tired of Democrats getting weak knees every time the right-wing media flexes their muscles.”

And every time we respond to their attacks with weak knees and cowering in the corner, we give them credibility. Even worse – we encourage them to keep it up. When faced with a bully, we progressives should stand and fight – not run and hide.


Bully? Stand and Fight? Bwahahahahaha!

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Hodes Anoints

Back in April Paul Hodes took the original tack of reminding us that Kelly Ayotte was ‘picked’ by the GOP establishment.  It’s a common theme played up by the left so Hodes was just being a good democrat an repeating what he’d been told. I don’t know what Ms. Ayotte, who was essentially picked by … Read more

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