What does congressional ethicist and Obama booster Paul Hodes have to say about this?
Rep. Joe Sestak, winner of the Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, is refusing to provide more information on what job he was offered by a White House official to drop out of that race, although he confirmed again that the incident occurred.
The WH was backing Specter and tried to bribe Sestak out of his primary. Sestak still isn’t talking, Specter lost–another Obama backed candidate bites the dust–but someone as interested in cleaning up the system as Paul Hodes has yet to file a formal complaint about what amounts to a violation of federal law by Dear Leader or one of his cronies. What say you Congressman one way?
Of course an even bigger problem for Mr. Hodes and the left wing swamp cleaners is what to do when a Republican files the formal complaint and seeks an investigation? If the democrats approach this like they do the majority of other complaints against members of their caucus it will drag like an anchor all the way to November. So should we expect another quick exit by Paul "Fast Eddie" Hodes–first one out the door when it’s time to go on the record to investigate another democrat, or will they step up and deal with this now?
The alternative is to leave it for after November when there will likely be more Republicans milling around the Well of the House looking to pick up after the hypocrisy of big talkers who turned out to be little more than fast walkers.
Cross Posted from NH Insider