Public Service?

by Steve MacDonald

One of the pleasures of blogging is reminding people of what blatant hypocrats liberals are.  For example.  As we approach November neither Paul Hodes nor Carol Shea Porter should be expected to spend any time politicking on the issue on warrantless wire taps and violations of personal privacy committed by the executive branch.  And the reasons are not what they would have you believe.

Their silence on such matters is not a product of a newfound respect for rights and privacy.  It is not the result of having cleansed government of unscrupulous behavior.  It is because the administration is a democrat one, whose shepherd brooks no opposition from his sheep.

As a Senator Mr. Obama not only dropped all opposition to FISA he endorsed it with his vote.  And since attaining the highest political office in the land, it appears he has left the entire program, with all its avenues for surveillance, in tact.  So if these programs were heinous violations of the public trust, and an unconstitutional affront to personal rights and privacy before, why do we not hear the shrill harpy like cries of injustice from New Hampshire’s democrat congressman now?

These programs were either perfectly reasonable efforts at securing national security abused for political gain–that means they lied and deceived you, or they are violations of our privacy and worthy of continued outcry from our representatives appointed for that purpose–which they stopped making the minute "their guy’ took over the program.

Could it possibly be both?  Would it even matter?

Hodesheaporter have consistently demonstrated that their loyalties are first and foremost to the party, the left wing leadership, and the defense of their liberal-socialist president and not those of the state or federal constitution, New Hampshire, the people in their districts, or freedom or rights in general.

They are hypocrites and opportunists.   They work the will of the electorate with the crass misrepresentation of facts which they themselves foist on those they lie about for their personal political advancement.  This makes them the worst kind of government officials, the poorest of role models, and bad citizens to boot.  They have abrogated their oath of office, and by their own admission of prior objection either ignored unconstitutional acts or by  their own inaction affirmed them.

What is most amusing is that you can be for or against domestic surveillance programs and come to the same conclusion.  Hodesheaporter are creatures of party politics first and the people after.  You cannot trust them to say or do anything that is not first in their interests or that of the party, no matter how inappropriate or unconstitutional it may be.   We used to call that treason.  These days the NHDP and the democrat party call it public service. 



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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