Guinta’s message to our leaders: Stop Spending Our Money!


Given the recent news of his quest to unseat NH’s current 1st Congressional District Representative Carol Shea Porter, we figured readers would be interested in watching Manchester’s Mayor Frank Guinta as he spoke to the gathered Tea Party crowd in the Queen City April 15th. As you can see, his message was very well received by the gathered masses…



Like we often hear from the big spending libs, it’s "for the children." Except when Guinta speaks for the children, he means we shouldn’t bankrupt their future. Addressing the excited grass roots gathering, Mayor Guinta described the types of politicians and candidates we need to seek out and elect:

People who respect our money. Respect our wallets. And respect our future taxpayers.

And, unlike some Republicans afraid to say "boo," he unabashedly called out Lynch, Shea Porter, and Hodes as needing to be sent home packing.

With the right message, and full of fight, Guinta appears primed & ready for the battles ahead. Others would do well to quickly follow in the other spots. Governor Lynch appears poised to allow gay marriage to come to NH… while at the same time all but ignoring the shambles that is the state’s budget. Hodes won’t have Obama’s coat-tails to help him in his quest for a Senate seat. While I’m certainly not ready to say everything’s peaches & cream for conservatives, it’s looking better than it did a few short months ago.

Things may be bad for the state and the country at the present, and it may look like the dunderheads in charge are going to ruin everything, but, as the Mayor says, rest assured, "there’s another election right around the corner…"



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