New Hampshire Taxpayer Tea Party on April 15th at Manchester’s Victory Park


Boston Tea Party

Concord, NH- Yesterday, the New Hampshire Advantage Coalition  in partnership with the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, Granite State Taxpayers, Cornerstone Policy Research and the NH 9-12 Patriot Project, announced the NH Taxpayer Tea Party on April 15th, 2009 at 5:30 pm in Victory Park, Manchester, NH. This event is part of 200 plus tea parties scheduled across the United States. NHAC Chairman Mike Biundo stated

“these tea parties are a direct result of a runaway government on all levels. People are frustrated with the spending spree that is going on and they are looking for way to express that frustration”.

Matthew Murphy, director of the New Hampshire Advantage Coalition added

"New Hampshire citizens are troubled by what is happening with the federal government’s continued reckless spending in the form of government bailouts, more government involvement in the private sector and increasing levels of regulation on the free market. Even at the state level, our elected leaders are creating a situation that asks more of the New Hampshire taxpayers’ already shrinking personal budgets and stifles the opportunity for economic growth by increasing taxes and fees in order to pay for the excessive government spending.” 

Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers Director Ed Naile noted,

“This event is a chance for New Hampshire citizens’ to express the need to control taxes by controlling government spending, end the continued expansion of government into the free market, and reduce the tax burden on citizens’”.

Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Stephen Stepanek agreed,

“The taxpayers tea party is an event occurring throughout the country that is a grassroots, citizens’ revolt against the out of control spending occurring in Washington and Concord. It is an opportunity for citizens to tell their elected officials that is our money you are spending not yours, that this is our children’s and grandchildren’s future you are mortgaging”.

Kevin Smith of Cornerstone Policy Research stated

“The tea party is for citizens who concur that our nation and state has placed too heavy a burden on New Hampshire families and that a dramatic change of course is needed in Washington and New Hampshire”.       

Victory Park in Manchester is located at the corner of Chestnut and Amherst streets. Attendees are asked to bring tea bags to be sent to their representatives. For more information or directions to Victory Park email or call 603-475-8435.



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