“Poverty is good for the soul…”



Guest Post by Bill Asbell

The Baby Boomers Strike Again to Inflict perhaps the Death blow on U.S. Capitalism Once and for All. No doubt, William Ayers, Abbie Hoffman, Noam Chomsky and Saul Alinsky are all most definitely proud "Americans"…wherever they currenty reside, above or below.  
All we endangered rational types ask is to do what we know works, not what created The Great Depression out of a cyclical recession, and the LBJ inspired NYC of the 1970s…remember "Escape from New York" and "Death Wish"?
Thank you Karl Pelosi, Friedrich Reid and V. Ilych Obama! Maybe you can bag Vlad Putin and Bob Mugabe to do a photo op with you for the bill signing. I heard Raul Castro might be available and is a big fan of the Anointed One.

This porkulus is indeed an Obamination our children will be paying for as long as they’re permitted to live their socialist/secularist financially diminished lives.  With the rationing of health care that’s structurally on the horizon, (and in this bill), I use "permitted" un-ironically.

Hey!…Maybe I can be the Founding Leader of the "new" Stoic Party.

"What does the Stoic Party stand for Mr. Asbell?"
"Well, Katie, I guess the American Stoic Party is for those of us who know, acknowledge, and are resigned to the irreparability of what Clinton, Bush, Obama, Hollywood, Public Edjukashun and the Trial Bar have given us for a culture and economy now that it’s unstoppable. Have you read Edward Gibbon Katie?"
"Why No, who’s that?"
"Oh nobody you’d probably understand, being a "journalist" and all."
"Why…what do you mean? Mr. Asbell?"
"That is to say, the Stoic Party is for those of us who know in their "heart of hearts" (to coin an old campaign addage), that we’re screwed Katie, – inscrutably so. We know it’s too late to fix it and yet we’re resigned to it, like a passenger on the Titanic, to not put up a fight while riding that handbasket down to Hades. No use in pretending that America will ever be what it once was, i.e. FREE or God fearing or happy or on the rise. The Stoic Party is about getting comfortable in your seat as the plane plunges to earth in a tailspin. It’s much better for your blood pressure, as you could imagine, and none of our members develop Socialism-induced ulcers. So we think we’ll have a following Katie, especially among those who need to watch carefully their health care costs. Our political symbol is a profile of Slim Pickens riding that Nuke from "Dr. Strangelove"…remember?"

You can see I can’t wait for the interview.

I guess we should take a Solzhynitsynite attitude about it though. As an Anglican Archbishop recently and tactfully proclaimed in looking for a silver lining in the rising British unemployment rate (and I paraphrase), "Poverty is good for the soul".  Poland under Communism and Ireland under England I’m sure could admit as much.  Perhaps this is all part of God’s plan (as it must be I suppose…what isn’t?)
Therefore, we thank you Lord for the ever self-serving Baby Boomer Democreeps, through whose Machiavellian intercession You most graciously provide us for the next four decades or more great new opportunities for our souls’ development in the path to holiness.  Oy vey!…ahem, I mean "Amen".
Bill — All things must pass….Yet, still….Sic Semper Tyrannis



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