Dope of the Week: Born to run (his mouth). The Wild, the Innocent, and the Completely Stupid



Boss gets 7 pages

In addition to being featured in Andrea Peyser’s new book, Celebutards, when one looks up the word "dope" in the dictionary lately, most likely a person would expect to see an accompanying picture of Bruce Springsteen (inexplicably nicknamed "the Boss"). After diving completely in the tank for the Magic Obama and his socialism– sure to be funded by the ordinary folks he claims to care so much about –sure to upset a sizeable chunk of his Boomer fan base– he now proceeds to attack an American institution serving those same millions all across the USA. Indeed, the aging pop star, starting to look more like some silly looking gramps trying to relive his teenage years with body piercings and the "doo" (click the Yahoo!News link below), has been caught red-handed in both a case of rank hypocrisy, and biting the hand that feeds in a near perfect storm of stupidity. From Yahoo! News, via Drudge:

The Boss is owning up to a mistake. In an interview with Sunday’s New York Times, Bruce Springsteen says he shouldn’t have made a deal with Wal-Mart. This month, the store started exclusively selling a Springsteen greatest hits CD.

Some fans were critical because Springsteen has been a longtime supporter of worker’s rights, and Wal-Mart has faced criticism for its labor practices.

Springsteen told the Times that his team didn’t vet the issue as closely as he should have, and that he "dropped the ball on it."

Springsteen went on to say: "It was a mistake.

Hmmm. I wonder how many millions he’s made off this deal before one of his fans (actually believing that Springsteen thinks the crap he routinely foists on his fans actually applies to HIM) caught him red handed partaking of the very success (of Wal Mart) against which he rails.

Yeah, I used to actually enjoy this man’s gift and talent as a musician, but he lost me a long while ago. As a friend recently said in an email, "I can’t run to the radio fast enough to change it when this America-hating jerk comes on!" Yep…

[UPDATE] Oh, and if I was Wal-Mart, I’d tell him to clear his stinkin’ CDs off my shelves. Pronto. I’ll bet that’d put a dent in the Boss’s racket. (Actually, I’d probably tell him where to stick them if I really WAS Wal-Mart). Bruce Springsteen, man of many millions, thy name IS hypocrisy!



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