New ad against Jeanne Shaheen by the NRSC.
New Hampshire MUST reject this woman!
You don’t like "dirty politics"? Ms. Shaheen’s spouse Billy specializes in the art of nasty!
Do we really need someone so partisan and so willing to spout an out and out lie as to blame California brush fires– BRUSH FIRES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD– on the President of the United States?
She’s so phony in her "concern" for the environment that she’ll order the release of billions of gallons of water held in a dam system during a drought to facilitate a photo op with fellow environmentalist poseur AlGore (not to mention those fuel-wasting union big rigs at all her events haulin’ nothin’ but signs– and empty rhetoric)
Jeanne Shaheen is just like the guy at the top of the presidential ticket in her Democrat Party: Willing to say absolutely anything to sweet-talk and fool the people in order to get elected. (Like mostly everyone else in her Party, now that I think of it…) YIKES!!!