JFK- Cut taxes Rudy- cut taxes, increase revenues Reagan- cut taxes
increased revenues increased revenues
Having been to see Rudy Giuliani at a handful of campaign events, one thing that really strikes me is how strong a believer he is in the free market and peoples’ ability to make decisions on their own, free of the "helping hand" of big government. When you listen to what he says, you keep asking yourself, "Who does this guy remind me of?" And then, of course, it hits you: Ronald Reagan.
His optimistic demeanor and strong stated belief that individuals are more qualified than the government to run their own lives is a message that sounds quite appealing when contrasted with that delivered by the Democrats: "You’re all losers and you need us and the government to bail your sorry asses from the sling!" That isn’t the America that I know. Ours is a country that was build upon a foundation of rugged individualism. Rudy Giuliani appears to approach the presidency with the idea that this tradition should be encouraged and nurtured by our government. This is, of course, opposed to the Democrats, who, in the pursuit of an all-encompassing nanny-state, would stamp out any remaining vestiges of self-reliance.
This video, shot Saturday here in the Lakes Region, captures Rudy delivering a message of reducing the size of government and empowering people to be in charge of their own lives. He talks about how cutting taxes will cause revenues to increase. Sound famliar?