Nice hoax. They say it’s real…but…”not.”

This is a cool hoax going around now. It’s presumably a project done by engineers and musicians. This machine was supposedly built as a collaborative effort between the Robert M. Trammell Music Conservatory and the Sharon Wick School of Engineering at the University of Iowa. 97% of the machine’s components are said to have come from John Deere Industries and Irrigation Equipment … Read more

Hodes: I believe it’s important to be open and accessible”

by Doug

  Here’s a video showing NH’s 2nd Congressional District representative Paul Hodes taking heat before and after press conference for not allowing constituents accessibility in an open town hall style meeting. With the canned response obviously stuck in his head, the hard to find Democratic Congressman claims he has "spoken to thousands of constituents in … Read more

High Tech Watchdog

by Doug

During his campaign seeking the Republican nomination for NH’s 2nd Congressional District seat, one of the things that impressed us about Grant Bosse was his use of new technology and the new media. He continues to do so in his position as Lead Investigative Reporter at the Josiah Bartlett Center and the resident NH Watchdog: (CONCORD) … Read more

In case you missed it… Watch Sarah Palin in Laconia, NH

by Doug

Some 3500 or so lucky folks got to see Sarah Palin during yesterday’s campaign stop here in the Lakes Region. For those of you who were unable to attend, here is the video of her speech in its entirety. (It runs approx. 33 mins.) Enjoy!      

Mark Steyn: A moose hunting beauty queen. Only in America…

by Doug

While at yesterday’s Sarah Palin event here in the Lakes Region, I ran into Mark Steyn and had a chance to spend a few moments discussing the popular Alaskan governor…     As I’ve often noted here on the ‘Grok, Mr. Steyn is one of the most gifted and thoughtful political writers of our time. … Read more

What he says… is not what he does.

by Doug

As folks grumble about the cascading financial woes, they would do well to remember who’s in cahoots with the "bad guys" at almost every turn: Democrats. Fannie Mae is, and long has been, for all intents and purposes, a "Democrat" operation. Here’s a new ad from the McCain camp reminding us of but one example: … Read more

McCain: A class act…

by Doug

This is very cool… McCain congratulates Barack Obama on what tryuly is a momentous milestone in race equalization on the 45th anniverasary of Martin Luther King’s "I have a dream" speech. Awesome!! [OK. That’s enough. Let’s get back to degrading "the enemy"…]  

How WILL they answer this one?

by Doug

As the Clintons prepare to overshadow the Democratic National Convention, thanks to Obama inexplicably ceding major parts of the affair to his vanquished foe (much like he’ll deal with America’s enemies, no doubt, should he win the presidency) and her followers, one wonders how certain past utterances and primary "potshots" will be dealt with. A … Read more

“The chickens comin’ home to roost…” God help us

by Doug

I just stumbled upon this Youtube. When one takes the present happenings around the world in places like Russia/ Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, etcetera, overlayed with the events on September 11th, 2001, and the radical Islamists’ continued threats against us and our way of life, one finds it’s not a pretty picture. I don’t want … Read more

Video: Jeb Bradley talks gun rights…

by Doug

At the monthly meeting of the Belknap County Republicans, Jeb Bradley, seeking the nomination to run for NH’s 1st Congressional District seat, answered a question about the Second Amendment. There’s no doubt where Jeb stands on this issue… I’d like to hear the incumbent, Democrat Carol Shea Porter, answer the same question. My guess is that … Read more

The GraniteGrok YouTube Debate (Well, not really…)

by Doug

.. . With all the buzz about YouTube created with last night’s debate, we thought we’d roll out the list of presidential candidate videos we’ve amassed since the start of the campaign. Upon review, we thought, "Wow! There’s a lot of material here!" As a service to those of you who haven’t had the good … Read more

VLog: Rudy the supply sider?

by Doug

….                  JFK- Cut taxes      Rudy- cut taxes, increase revenues       Reagan- cut taxes                 increased revenues                                                    increased revenues . Having been to see Rudy Giuliani at a handful of campaign events, one thing that really strikes me is how strong a believer he is in the free market and peoples’ ability to make decisions on their own, free … Read more

Rudy– Defending his record on taxes.

by Doug

In a story posted today on the campaign web site, Rudy Giuliani puts his record on cutting taxes front and center. In a piece entitled, "RUDY MAKES ¢ENTS DAY ONE: Mayor Giuliani Cut Taxes 23 Times,"  America’s Mayor offers proof of where he stands on taxation. "I believe that you collect more money from lower … Read more

What about Iran?

by Doug

Yesterday Skip and I had the opportunity to attend a "No Surrender" rally with John McCain at the Franklin home of the Grimm family. Following that, we rode on the his campaign bus where we chatted some detailed points about Iraq, listened in as he did the Jon Stewart show via cellphone, and ate some chicken wings … Read more

Fred Thompson arrives in NH- A first look.

by Doug

Fred Thompson works the crowd in Stratham, NH . We had the opportunity to be among the crowd at the Seacoast Republican Women’s Chili Fest event, where Fred Thompson made his first appearance as "candidate" Thompson here in the Granite State. Below is a YouTube we shot of his very first campaign stop at the Scamman … Read more

Until the “experts” clued him in, he had no idea!

by Doug

While I remain uncommitted to any presidential candidate at this point, I believe it’s time to begin to take harder, more critical looks at them as the primary inches ever closer. As a conservative Republican, I absolutely want the best person we can get– one that has the greatest chance at keeping a Democrat from winning the … Read more

VLog– Illegal Immigration: Is it THE big issue for the GOP?

by Doug

. . Is illegal immigration shaking out to be the single biggest issue for Republicans in the upcoming election? . Following his prepared remarks during an event this past Friday, Senator McCain fielded nearly a half dozen or more questions from people in attendance about America’s illegal immigration problem. It appeared most people wanted to know … Read more

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