Rudy- Defending his record on taxes. - Granite Grok

Rudy– Defending his record on taxes.

In a story posted today on the campaign web site, Rudy Giuliani puts his record on cutting taxes front and center. In a piece entitled, "RUDY MAKES ¢ENTS DAY ONE: Mayor Giuliani Cut Taxes 23 Times,"  America’s Mayor offers proof of where he stands on taxation.
"I believe that you collect more money from lower taxes than you collect from higher taxes. I believe in supply-side tax policies. I believe in it because I saw it work, and I put a lot on the line in order to make it work."
He then reminds readers he reduced taxes as Mayor 23 times. A list of the specifics follows. When you review the record, you’ve got to admit–he does have a case. Regular readers of the ‘Grok might recall that back in July, Mr. Giuliani visited us here in our neck of the woods. Following the campaign event, Hizzoner was confronted by the New York Daily News’ David Saltonstall,, who had recently written a piece questioning the claims. GraniteGrok was there. Here is the video of Rudy Giuliani defending his record.
Is this kind of vigorous defense in the face of a tough news media something Republicans ought to consider when they pick the person that will take on the Democratic nominee?