Being a blogger, I quite naturally love the internet. As an everyday user, I pretty much take the whole technological wonder that is the World Wide web for granted. There are still some events, however, that cause me to stop and really appreciate all that it does for ordinary people.
The execution of Saddam Hussein, a bona-fide modern day murderous tyrant, is just such an occurrence– or, to be more exact, the video of said execution. As a student of history, I have often thought about the various madmen and tyrants throughout history. What must have it been like to have been a contemporary of such evil beings? And what relief was brought to the liberated victims and captive citizenry upon seeing their oppressors meet their various ignomious ends? Some, like Hitler, did themselves in by suicide, depriving anyone of exacting justice or revenge. Mussolini was summarily disposed of, hung by a meat hook for all to see, and then dragged through the streets. It seemed so fitting.
Of course, all of this comes down to us from history. Written accounts from days long past, and some photos from more recent times were what we got… until now. Those of us alive for Saddam’s execution are truly witnessing history. A murderous, evil being– deposed, captured, and then tried and executed by his replacement government– one elected and composed of very people he once crushed. What a momentous happening during our times. And thanks to the internet, we can watch the final dispatch of justice for Saddam Hussein on video.
While the self-appointed arbiters of what the public should and shouldn’t know or see decry the fact that such a video exists, and the television news outlets show only carefully sterilized before and after footage, the rest of us can choose (or not) for ourselves to view the entire event.
Click here to watch the video. It’s pretty intense.
Doug reviews the video: I found that "Zero the Hero" by Black Sabbath on their Born Again album, with former Deep Purple vocalist Ian Gillan, was the appropriate accompanying music to play while watching. Start two-thirds through to match the latter instrumental with the hangin’–
"Whatcha gonna be, whatcha gonna be brother? Zero the hero…"
Additionally, Doug notes: After several tests, I determined Molson Lite to be an appropriate beverage to sip while viewing.
Rating= 5 stars and a big thumbs up.