Do Democrats Now Love The Chamber Of Commerce?

Remember when the Chamber of Commerce (C of C) was the lefts whipping boy? They were evil capitalists using money from “outside the country” to affect their selfish policy agenda- So what do those same leftists have to say about that same Chamber of Commerce (presumably with the same funding) leading the charge to prevent the enforcement of e-verify?

Picture of The Day 6-15-11 (Bin Laden’s Last FB post -one more time)

Bin Laden’s last facebook post

Powerline Nails ThinkProgress To The Wall

Everyone makes mistakes, but ThinkProgress is unique. It doesn’t just get things wrong; it consistently fabricates lies out of whole cloth. Anyone who relies on ThinkProgress for information is asking to be deceived.

GOP Makes Quick Work Of Sargent Schultz

They call her DWS, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. I call her Carol SEIU Porter Supporter Sargent (Debbie Wasserman) Schultz, the Mouth of the South, who “knows nothing!!”

Caption Contest

Caption Contest – Write a caption for this picture

Cartoon of the day 6-14-11

New Hampshire Debate

EV Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Electric Cars Are Worse For The Environment (Hah Ha!)

Back in 2008, I was talking about how cars like the Prius were not nearly as environmentally friendly as the greens and Democrats let on because the manufacturing process for the battery system was so hostile to the environment. That process erased any benefits you might achieve during use.

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Cartoon of the day 6-13-11

Ramirez – Right Hand on Yemen

Fred Who?

Fred Karger, “Republican” candidate for President (of The United States) spoke at the Hillsborough County Republican Committee Flag Day Picnic yesterday. He came with the slogan of Fred who? When he left, Fred Who? had a concrete political advantage to the Fred we met.

Cartoon of the day 6-12-11

Look Weiner!

Atheists Don’t Have No Songs

Steve Martin – Atheists don’t have no songs.

Jeanne Shaheen’s Sticky Situation

In the “stupid things said by former governors of New Hampshire who have become US Senator’s category,” Jeanne Shaheen (Greene Shaheen) dominates. As another hack of the environmental movement she has said some incredibly stupid things and intimated plenty of others, forever making us proud.

GrokTalk! Saturday June 11th , 2011


Palin v. Elites

There are plenty of Republicans and Independents out there who have either gotten lazy and simply adopted the lefts narrative on Palin or who are actual snobby-right-wing elites protecting the moderate Republican power base. I’ve not much of a stomach for either. So if you feel like tossing out some of that left wing elitist narrative just be prepared to back it up.

Cartoon of the day 6-10-11


The ‘Weinergate’ Effect (On Congressional Tweets)

According to Mashable, congressional Tweets are down 30% since the Weinergate debacle unfolded. The lesson in the aftermath seems to be that less Twitter is better if your day job lands you in the Capitol building.

Cartoon of the day 6-9-11

Economy v Romneycare

Cocktail Weiners

I was rummaging around over at Open and came across this little tid-bit. Apparently Matt Damon scheduled a fundraising event for Congressman Weiner.

Cartoon of the day 6-8-11


The ‘Other’ Weiner

Before A. Weiner (D- Tweeterville), or more likely before during and after he was tweeting his wiener, the congressman played at advocating for women.

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