ThinkProgress makes stuff up. They make stuff up and the denizens in the leftist ghettos spread it around like herpes until the entire lot of them is infected. The goal, of course, is to make the lie real by duplicating it in the media and the minds of everyone who hears it. It is the echo-chamber narrative, repeated until it is accepted as fact.
But thanks to new media, that dog just don’t hunt anymore. Case in point, ThinkProgress making up stories about David Koch.
From Powerline:
Everyone makes mistakes, but ThinkProgress is unique. It doesn’t just get things wrong; it consistently fabricates lies out of whole cloth. Anyone who relies on ThinkProgress for information is asking to be deceived.
So what did ThinkProgress do this time? They ran with a story in which they claimed that David Koch was appointed to a board by President Bush from which he would object to regulation of a cancer causing chemical made by a company he owned; that he had to leave the appointment after being pressured by Greenpeace and others. That after he left the NIH handed down a ruling on the cancer causing chemical. Narrative Goal: support the David Koch is a greedy capitalis who was holding up the cancer classification so he could make more money.
The problem?
According to Powerline David Koch was never appointed to or even on that board. He did not even own that company during the period in question. The Greenpeace pressure line is a complete fabrication.
As a cancer survivor and someone who has donated over 200 million to cancer research, he did serve on the National Cancer Advisory Board. No connection to the ThinkRegress story
But don’t tell that the echo-chamber. Just Google "David Koch, NIH" and follow the lie through the nutroots. It works well, the echo-chamber. It works well because the skulls of left-wingers are made for echo. Stink Progress is just tapping that ‘natural’ resource. But maybe next time they should try coming up with something that could at least pass for an honest mistake instead of just making it up as they go.
Or is that even possible?