Did Maggie Cilley Ever Denounce Bill Clinton? (Video Added)

While we’re on the topic of denouncing things, not long ago, Bill Clinton, impeached perjurer and accused serial rapist and sex offender, came to New Hampshire to endorse Maggie Cilley for Governor. Maggie Hassan, the actual object of the endorsement, stood on stage next to the accused rapist, as have almost every New Hampshire Democrat … Read more

Obama’s Abortion Jobs Economy

Obama's Abortion Jobs Economy
When You Make A "Mistake"...We've Got You Covered

I think I have finally figured it out.  All this emphasis by Democrats on abortion?  I think we’re in for a tectonic shift in left wing economic policy.  Starting with the upcoming Democrat National Convention, the new savior for a lagging economy with 16 trillion in debt, employment erosion, a flagging GDP, and more government created debt bubbles (not to mention the trillions more in entitlement debt and the likley collapse of Medicare and social security) is…the Abortion Jobs Economy.

That’s right.  Abortion jobs will save America.

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Anyone Dissapointed That Annie Kuster Didn’t Ask Maggie Hassan to Drop Out?

Ann McLane Kuster - Supported by Anti-Israel J Street

It didn’t take long.  Congressional candidate Ann McLane Kuster (I call her McKluster) expressed her disappointment at Charlie Bass for having better things to do than jump in to the circular firing squad against Todd Aikn, of Missouri.

“In New Hampshire, Annie Kuster rapped one of Democrats’ top targets, GOP Rep. Charlie Bass, saying she was ‘‘disappointed’’ Bass hadn’t yet called for Akin to leave the Senate race.”

Like most desperate Democrats with no coat tails to ride in on, McKluster took out the rhetorical bat against her Republican opponent, Charlie Bass.  It is, after all, his responsibility as a congressman to denounce everything any other Republican does (or says, or can be said to be thinking…).   So by extension, where is it I can find candidate McKlusters call for Maggie Hassan to drop out of the Governors Race.

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SEIU Tells You Which Republicans You Should Avoid…by Endorsing them.

Unions - Proud Owners Of The Democrat Party
Unions - Proud Owners Of The Democrat Party

 The SEIU has just informed Republicans who NOT to vote for.  For this, we are thankful.

The SEIU (SEA-NH), Obama’s shock troops, the same folks who beat up black conservatives ( or refuse to denounce such behavior), have endorsed the following “(r)epublicans” in New Hampshire.

In Belknap District 8, SEA/SEIU has endorsed Rep. Peter Bolster (R), of Alton.  Bolster is train wreck.  He barely votes with his own party half the time.  If you want a Republican you should be voting  for Jane Cormier, to get Bolster out of the House and with any luck, out of our Party.

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Palate Cleanser – Superman Dumps Lois Lane?

Now this is important. It looks like Superman and Wonder Woman are going to be an item.   The New 52 Justice League issue 12 has them kissing in an air-born embrace.  And how perfect is that.? He doesn’t lie so that lasso of truth thing will never be a problem. There is, of course, the … Read more

The Obama Campaign Cat Burgler Pays Another Visit To New Hampshire Tax Payers

Obama campaign steals local tax dollars to pay for campaign visitsAmericans for Prosperity has some details about the cost to local towns of the most recent incursion of the Obama campaign.  Candidate Obama visited New Hampshire—in the capacity of a candidate–to reinfect the local Obama Zombie population with a fresh batch of socialist Rage Virus.  Wouldn’t want them to lose that lovin’ hope-changey, “beat Republicans with a bat,” kind of union thugocracy feeling.

As with previous candidate visits, local towns have been forced to cover any extra costs resulting from the candidates court passing through their local municipalities, even when anonymous donors rise up from the Zombie herd to make an unofficial campaign donation to cover the costs.  So how much did it cost this time around (seeing as there are no anonymous donors this time around)?

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Coos County Democrats…

…might want to update their web site. The elected candidates page lists their US Senators as Jeanne Shaheen and Judd Gregg. That’s a bit out of date, unless you just want to wait until we kick Shaheen out of office and you can change them both at the same time. Just trying to be helpful.

Return to the 2008 Obama Campaign Strategy (Updated and Bumped-Link Added)

Obama still voting present - on answering tough questions(Link Added- Controlling the Message: None of that random messaging that might embarrass us.)

In 2008 the Obama Campaign hid or at least disguised his lack of experience or skill by controlling the message.  He did lofty speeches, and some softball interviews in the safest of places and conditions, but anything about policy–what there was of it–was recorded in a controlled environment, by Obama or a policy advocate, and posted on line.  When reporters had questions, they were directed to the appropriate video, or speech, which allowed the campaign to control the message.

The media was too in love with the cult of personality to dig any deeper than what the campaign-spin spoon fed them and the end result was the least experienced and least qualified president in American history…a guy who is good at running for office but not good at holding office.

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It’s Time For A Smell Test (Update and Bumped – Democrats spent 1.5 million to elect Akin)

A Republican Candidate for the US Senate in Missouri said something stupid the other day.

“It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” he said.

Akin said later, in a statement, that he “misspoke,” claiming that his comments did not “reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year.”

He’s referring to the frequency (infrequency) of unwanted pregnancies from rape, measured against his opposition to abortion.

OK.  But it sounded really stupid the first time around.

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Former Hooksett Middle School Teacher Got 4 Stars

If you go to rate my teachers.com Hooksett Middle School Music Teacher Andrew Lalos has four out of five stars in all three categories, giving him an overall quality rating of four stars.  He also received the “Outstanding Young Band Directer” award in 2004 from the New Hampshire Band Directors Association (NHBDA) where they share … Read more

Educating With Hassan

Hassan will stand up for unions not education

Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan has a banner ad running over at the Concord Monitor with the pull quote…’I’ll Stand up to anyone who wants to cut Education.’ 

This is a dirty lie.

Any effort to expand education outside that narrow corridor of Democrat political influence will be blocked.  Any existing programs that support education without government directed taxpayer dollars should expect to be cut given the chance.

But Maggie Hassan will stand up…to anyone who tries to educate their kids without public schools staffed by members of the Teachers unions (or outside of pricey private schools for the “fiscally gifted,” that are beyond the reach of all but the very wealthy).  Hassan will stand up to defend statist, top-down, government managed, public education.  She’ll stand up to spend more of your taxpayer dollars on the inefficient state university system.  And like most Democrats she will do anything and everything in her power to protect that government monopoly by cutting into or cutting off any competition.

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Before We Get Too Deep Into The National Discussion on Rape

Note to the Democrat Party. One of the best ways to reduce violent crimes (like rape) is to support a well trained and lawfully armed populace.  Add concealed carry and now you have a populace that is unaware as to who among them is well trained and well armed.  In every instance, this reduces the … Read more

Does Democrat Matt Houde Have Other Conflicts of Interest…?

Given the news that Democrat State Senator Matt Houde (D-State Senate District 5) became a paid lobbyist for the states largest health care provider in October on 2011, I am beginning to wonder how many health care or insurance related vote he made in the 2012 session of the New Hampshire State Senate that could … Read more

Minnesota Democrats Bullying a Candidate for Practicing Gay Sex?

MN Democrat Party Bullying Rep to drop out  of race for having gay sexHere’s a real winner from Minnesota.  State party Democrats are trying to convince Legislator Kerry Gauthier not to run for re-election in his reliably Democrat district.  Gauthier, 56, had consensual oral sex with a 17 year old boy at a rest stop in Duluth back in July.   (The age of consent for such matter appears to be 16 in Minnesota.)   Gauthier, also a Democrat, has caught local party leadership with their pants down–they want him to drop out of his race as soon as possible.

Their point seems to be that this is inappropriate conduct for two males above the age of consent, and that it is a distraction. But I though the Democrat Party line was that consensual sex between any two consenting “adults” was a right (and their own damn business)…no matter what kind of sex it was?  So what the hell just happened?

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Obama Bundler ‘Murders’ Steel Worker’s Cancer Stricken Wife…or something.

From Hot Air. …Norah O’Donnell took Obama to task this morning for his attempt to distance himself from the personal attack run by his former White House aide Bill Burton, which blamed Mitt Romney for the death of a woman whose husband had been laid off years earlier from a Bain-owned steel plant, long after … Read more

If It is Campaign Related….It’s a Campaign Expense…You Clean It Up!


Obama Inauguration day trash- Democrats leave massive mess
Obama's been Leaving behind messes for others to pick up...Since Day 1

Obama is the campaigner in chief, breaking records for the number of campaign stops and fundraisers he’s made so far, all over America.  He’s also breaking records for the amount of money he is costing the places he travels too for these campaign events.  And neither he, nor his campaign, nor the DNC, are interested in paying the costs incurred by local communities as a result.

We had our own example in Durham, where an anonymous donor finally volunteered to cover costs, some of which which Durham outsourced to other towns who did not–to our knowledge–have anonymous benefactors themselves.  That means that taxpayers are  still fronting the cost of Obama’s campaign everywhere his campaign roams.

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Howard Dilworth R.I.P.

After a long battle with various health issues, it pains me to report  that Howard Dilworth has passed away.  Howard was a long time taxpayer advocate with the coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers and a compendium of knowledge on a wide range of topics related to New Hampshire law and politics in general.  He will … Read more

NH Democrat Policies On Voter ID and Domicile Still Matter…Here’s Why. (Part 2)

Back in 2000, as many as 1700 UNH students illegally registered to vote in Durham, New Hampshire, and very likely voted here illegally as well.   We know this because in 2001 more than a few UNH students requested that they be removed from the voter checklist in writing, using uncharacteristically similar wording, as if prompted to do so by someone in New Hampshire who did not want to prosecute them, so they could “properly register in their own home towns.”  (Copies of these written requests are on file with the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, signed by each of the students who submitted them.)

So here we have admitted evidence of vote fraud in one college town in one year, but not prosecuted.   Just like Governor Lynch’s so-called awesome (and impossibly low) High School drop out rate, if you want to make something go away without actually doing anything about it, you ignore it, hide it, re-define it, or simply find enough people who might benefit from it to make it legal.

And while stuffing local ballot boxes with the votes of out of state residents was not new, making it legal made it easier for Democrats to continue to get the votes while reducing significant neck strain from state officials and Democrat party hacks having to look the other way.

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Are You Better Off or “We are the 56%”

Gallup reports that 56% of Swing State voters do not believe they are better off than they were four years ago, rising from an Obama low of 54% but not yet nearing the Oct/Nov 2011 high of 60%.   A majority of those claiming they are not better off blame Mr. Obama, but not by a lot.  Plenty of blame for both Obama and Bush, with some still only blaming Bush.

So I guess we are the 56%.

better off- Are you better off than 3 years ago?
We are the 56%

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NH Democrat State Senator Matthew Houde’s Conflict of Interest

NH State Senator Matthew Houde - Health care conflict of Interest
DHMC Lobbyist - Matt Houde

Nowhere on New Hampshire State Senator, Democrat Matt Houde’s Bio Page does it mention that he is employed as a Lobbyist for Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) .  I guess they forgot to update it?

So when the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire (Disclosure- I am on the RLCNH board), asked Senator Houde to step down from the Joint Health Care Reform Oversight Committee (not knowing that he was a paid lobbyist), you might be surprised to learn why?

The problem is simple.  Decisions Houde will make on the committee will have a direct effect on his employer, Dartmouth-Hitchcock.   Decisions  that could result in a massive expansion of Medicare, which given DHMC’s near monopoly in the Granite State, would ensure it access to millions of taxpayer dollars, a fraction of which could then be used to continue to pay Houde between $76,482.00 dollars to as much as $104,957.00 dollars for being a senior community communications specialist with DHMC.

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