California’s radical “Health Education Framework” is child abuse, and violates the sacred trust that parents have placed in public education. Most parents are unaware of the trauma to which their children are exposed.
Related: Planned Parenthood Is Using Public Schools to Groom Girls for Abortion
This story describes many of the horrific details regarding sex education for child abuse of California children from Pre-K through 12.
“It’s shocking,” Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, said in an interview with The Christian Post when describing the condom relay races 10- and 11-year-old girls have been participating in at schools where, in front of boys, they’re taught how to put a condom on a model of an erect adult male penis.”
“Students as young as 11, she warned, are also being taught to engage in risky sexual acts, such as experimenting with oral and anal sex with their ‘partner.'”
Friedrichs says the materials are not age-appropriate and push an agenda on children.
“In kindergarten through third grade, children will learn about gender identity; they’ll be taught about masturbation in fourth through sixth grades; in seventh and eighth grade they’ll learn about consent and sexual abuse, and in ninth through 12th grade, they’ll learn more about “contraception and healthy sexual relationships, including advice for LGBTQ students.”
References to Planned Parenthood are embedded in this disturbing agenda:
“In California, another part of the sex ed curriculum states that teachers are supposed to teach students where clinics like Planned Parenthood are located and how to get there.”
At age 12, students are told they have “the right to obtain free birth control, including the morning after pill and abortion, without your parents knowledge or permission.”
“One bill proposed in the state assembly earlier this year would put the number to Planned Parenthood or another abortion clinic on student ID cards.”
There’s more disturbing information that every parent should read. This story covers just one facet of the radicalized education child abuse our future leaders are subjected to. If things don’t change, irrevocable damage will be done to these innocent children. And we’re paying for it in more ways than one!
H/T: The Christian Post