NHHFC on the defeat of HB628 Paid Family Leave in the House Commerce an Consumer Affairs Committee

New Hampshire House Freedom Caucus Comments on House Commerce Committee Recommending Defeat of Paid Medical Leave Bill HB 628 Concord – The New Hampshire House Freedom Caucus (NHHFC) today commended the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee for recommending HB 628 as Inexpedient to Legislate. The bill would have created a 0.5% tax on income, … Read more

PAID Family Medical Leave Insurance (FMLI) bill proposed by liberal NH democrats (another govt boondoggle).

By Len Turcotte (former NH State Representative): Here we go again, another Family Medical Leave Insurance (FMLI) bill proposed by liberal NH Democrats (HB712). Never comfortable or satisfied with the idea of the private sector providing market-rate policies, Senator Feltes and a slew of Democrat legislators want to implement a new 0.5% tax on income … Read more

Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy Logo

“Five reasons Sununu was right to veto paid leave tax”

By the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy On Thursday, Gov. Chris Sununu vetoed a Democratic bill to impose a $168 million wage tax on New Hampshire employees for the purpose of limiting their benefit choices and forcing them to accept a state-run paid family leave program. Here are five reasons why a veto was … Read more

Family Medical Leave Insurance Boondoggle

More state mandated insurance The NH’s Democrat legislature is going to pass a bill establishing a system of paid family and medical leave insurance. Having heard more than a few people ask why we need more state mandated insurance it seemed appropriate that as an informed electorate we should understand that need. It must be … Read more

Massachusetts ‘Takes’ Family Medical Leave Act “Bullet” New Hampshire Just Avoided

“Republican” Massachusets Governor Charlie Baker (who is up for re-election this fall) signed a bill to raise the minimum wage, add permanent tax holiday weekend, and something Granite Stater’s luckily (just) avoided. An $800 million paid family and medical leave program overseen by the state government and backed by a payroll tax will be launched so workers … Read more

HB628 Was Never About Creating a Family Medical Leave Insurance Program.

Since late 2017, leading up to today, we’ve written or shared at least twenty-three articles opposing HB628, the so-called Family Medical Leave Act. This makes (at least) twenty-four. Why so many? Until very recently neither the governor nor Republican Majority leadership had made a noise that wasn’t fawning. And while a recent joint committee vote … Read more