Op-Ed: Morse for Governor and Crane for CD2

By Rep.John Sellers – Everyone who reads the Grok knows the primary is around the corner. We have a few races in which I believe if the right person gets that position, then the citizens of NH will be winners. This is why I am supporting Chuck Morse (governor) and Casey Crane (CD2). On the … Read more

Rainbow prism human eye

Sununu Signs Bill Expanding Parental Notification Law to Include Gender Curriculum

The New Hampshire Legislature put several pro-women, pro-child, and pro-parent bills on Governor Chris Sununun’s desk this session. This is an accomplishment, given the razor-thin Republican majority, participation (attendance) issues inherent in a true citizen legislature, and defections on key bills. We always want and expect more, but then we must. Expectations matter, and there … Read more

Investigating that Nashua Flag Pole.

Most readers are already familiar with a flag pole outside Nashua City Hall, the one being referred to in this link. Over the years, it has been called various names. For those not up to speed on Nashua matters, I will offer the latest Grok piece and the one from the day before.

House Session 5-2-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (5/2/24)?

We learned that when Republicans do not show up, it can be a pretty disappointing day in the House. Additionally, the same thing happens when we have a few person advantage and a handful of “Republicans” vote along with House Democrats to kill perfectly good bills, and conversely pass pretty awful ones. If you know … Read more

NH Democrats Stand Firmly Against Women’s Rights

Earlier this week, the Senate Education Committee heard testimony on HB1205, which would require schools to designate athletics by sex and prohibit biological males from participating in female athletics. This bill further creates various causes of action based on violations of its provisions.

Night Cap: If Not For The Kids, Then What

This grand experiment has failed. Hillary Clinton coined the phrase “It takes a village,” and Joe Biden said, “They are all our children.” They were referring to the cooperative effort of parents, teachers, and the government in co-parenting our future generations.