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WATCH: Government Integrity Project Chairman Ken Eyring Shares Concerns About NH Assistant AG Anne Edward’s Involvement with the “Windham Incident” Forensic Audit

I am the Chairman of the Government Integrity Project (GIP), a recently formed organization that is laser focused on election integrity and holding elected and appointed representatives accountable – regardless of who they are.  I have been intimately involved with demanding a forensic audit on Windham’s voting machines

The Windham Swamp: Weaponized Government – Part 2

This is posted on behalf of Tom Murray, Co-Founder of the Government Integrity Project. I am absolutely perplexed at how incompetent Windham’s Community Development Director Rex Norman and our Planning Board are. Look at the video of the Planning Board meeting that took place on 8/4/21 ( At 1:25:00 Rex Norman seeks to convince the … Read more

The Windham Swamp: Weaponized Government – Part 1

The Government Integrity Project (GIP) was formed to ensure election integrity and to hold elected and appointed representatives accountable at all levels of government. The mission is to restore our government to the principles of our founding documents.

Vote Integrity Requires Accurate Voting Rolls

Judicial Watch works on many important issues of government for us, the American people. One of the most important things they have been doing is to continue to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).

President Trump’s Election Integrity Commission Not Welcome in Virginia and California – No Surprise

Several states have decided to not cooperate with the Election Integrity Commission. California and Virginia are the first states to start this method of avoiding transparency. Of course, states that promote illegal voting are not going to willingly give their election data to people who can read and understand it. That would fly in the … Read more

Indiana Voter Registration Project

Here is another voter registration project by another gang of thirty-something revolutionaries trying to drag America into a socialist Utopia. This one is called The Indiana Voter Registration Project. No one knows who funds them. No one has seen a website. They had not registered with the State of Indiana when they were served with search … Read more

Judicial Watch Voter Integrity Project – NH

We knew Judicial Watch would be here monitoring our last election, and now we’ve got their intial findings. From Breitbart While voter identification is a technical requirement in New Hampshire, the law is riddled with loopholes that threaten to render it ineffective as any sort of check on fraud. That’s what a team of Judicial … Read more