Government Integrity Project Thanks Commissioner Edelblut For His Constituent Service

WINDHAM, NH, OCT 20 – On Sunday, October 17th, Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut took time away from his family to meet with concerned parents and answer their questions.

We are stunned to hear that people are now demanding his resignation for simply meeting with his constituents, presumably because some parents may harbor viewpoints they disagree with.

Parents in NH and around the country know what is best for their kids. But they are becoming more and more marginalized by school boards and politicians. During a discussion on schools as part of a Sept. 28 debate, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” That comment is emblematic of the all-to-frequent contempt for parents by authoritarians and elitists. As schools continue to fail our children, parents’ voices are more important than ever.

“Unfortunately, we are living in a time where people want to settle differences through coercion and retribution rather than discussion and empathy,” said Government Integrity Project (GIP) co-founder Ken Eyring. “Commissioner Edelblut is always willing to meet with diverse groups to answer questions and hear their concerns regardless of their viewpoints or ideology. He should be applauded for this and not demonized. We thank him for his time and dedication to supporting the parents and children of New Hampshire.”

GIP encourages all New Hampshire residents who support the Commissioner’s inclusive and selfless service to email him at with your words of appreciation and encouragement.

Contact Information:
Government Integrity Project
Ken Eyring

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