Gretchen Gets $20 Million – Paula Only Got $800K

Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson wins $20 million from new Fox owners in a non-public sexual harassment settlement against Rodger Ailes. And to think Bill and Hillary Clinton had to pay Paula Jones a paltry $800,000.00 for actually being physically assaulted in a hotel room by Bubba. Ailes is accused of being a potty-mouth. … Read more

money cash hundred dollar bills original Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

California’s Million Dollar Conundrum

California, The Golden State, symbolized the spirit and curiosity of America for decades. California was the American dream. California now exemplifies much of what is wrong with America, and how it is declining could be a harbinger of America’s future.

sheep wearing a mask

The 17-Million Mask March

Remember this from Chris Sununu? “In just a few months, NH has become a force to be reckoned with when it comes to procuring PPE.”

So you are Telling Me

20 Million Doses of Covid Vaccine: Lost & Found

Politico is reporting the Biden administration is struggling mightily to deliver on its promise. It campaigned on its boasts about its ability to get a handle on the COVID-19 pandemic. Now it appears they may have lost track of as many as 20 million vaccine doses.

Treating Disease as a War

“…$30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19…”

A little context from Facebook (emphasis mine, reformatted): I don’t want to sound insensitive but with 2 trillion more in spending covering what was never really a national threat it’s going to cost 30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19 just in federal deficit spending. Has not anyone noticed we were not really … Read more

About those millions “LOSING” their Obamacare insurance coverage

I’ve been listening to a lot of nonsense about the impact of the different GOP “replacement” plans for Obamacare and the numbers just didn’t make any sense. After all, none of them drastically did much on the core structure of Obamacare.  They deleted most (but not all of the taxes).  They started to tinker with … Read more

UNH President Makes About Half a Million – Look at What We Get!

New Hampshire taxpayers should take a few moments to measure the value of their ‘investment” in leadership at the University of New Hampshire (UNH). UNH President Mark Huddleston is the second highest paid Public University President in New England. Huddleston’s compensation package – which increased 2.7 percent compared to the previous year – consisted of a base … Read more

Councilor Dave Wheeler Opposes Quarter-Million More for Well-Funded Group

Executive Councilor Dave Wheeler opposes rubber-stamping another $250,000.00 taxpayer-backed disbursement to fund an already heavily subsidized program run by Good News Garage. The program is supposed to fix up cars and donate them to eligible Welfare recipients, but it does not lack in funding. According to Wheeler, and the Union Leader, they’ve already received $1.75 … Read more

NH town allocates $70M for a public education system of 3800 kids

The Public education model has failed. It is time to look at other alternatives. By Steve Mac Donald | Watchdog Arena Merrimack, N.H. recently voted for and approved a $70 million school budget. This will fund one year of “education” for 3,800 students. I don’t have a college degree, so I do the pedestrian thing. … Read more

Ray Buckly Budget Genius- Only Off by $80 Million

Just last week wasn’t New Hampshire Democrat Chair Ray Buckley quoted in a local paper as saying something about what New Hampshire residents were really interested in… like how the ‘Republican Budget’ was coming in short around 30-40 million or something? Today! (scraped off facebook) Kevin Landrigan NH finishes state fiscal year with $39.6 mil … Read more

farmland crops barley

The World Bank’s Recipe for Globalist Food Control

A recent report produced by the World Bank leaves no doubt that what has unfolded against farmers in Holland, Belgium, and France is a precursor to globalist plans of food control and all food production (and diet choices) for humanity in the name of rescuing the planet from cows and destructive agriculture.

grass yard lawn original Photo by Petar Tonchev on Unsplash

NASA’s Climate Change Metrics Need Fixing

Americans love their lawns. Some clean-looking lawns resemble golf courses in the area and may be mowed more frequently than required, a sort of suburban therapy. Cows, cars, and tennis courts are among the targets of climate change agitators.