Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be? A deterrent?


In an article on the Democrats using Lawfare to make sure ANYONE can vote here in NH (and probably feel that NH residents shouldn’t), this caught my eye:

The provisions of SB 3, however, require new voters to prove they either live in New Hampshire, or are domiciled in New Hampshire. Domicility is the concept used in New Hampshire law to describe out-of-state college students who attend school in New Hampshire, and are legally allowed to vote in Granite State elections. If those new voters lack the required documents, such as a utility bill or a letter from their college stating where they live for the school year, they will have 10 days after the election to provide the documents to avoid potential criminal penalties.

Meyer testified that the bill seemed designed to keep college students from voting, especially due to the potential fines of up to $5,000.

“The $5,000 fine is financially crushing to college students,” he said.

ISN’T THAT THE POINT!  Make the consequence of a stupid decision really, really bad?  Maybe keep them from the abject perp-walk of shame for sticking it to the Republicans (on a lark, even)?

If the legislators had, f’instance, made it $5 (the proverbial Starbucks cuppacoffee) or even $50, how much of a deterrent would it be?  Pretty much as empty as most of their skull cavities.  If it is $5K, wouldn’t most logical students, even those urged on by their Democrat / Socialist Professors, use a few brain cells to diverted from “but SOCIAL JUSTICE!!” thoughts and go “well, that would suck donuts”? Ya think? Doesn’t it send the message “Don’t do stupid stuff – and ask for an absentee ballot from where ever they come from?

Mommy and Daddy probably wouldn’t be all that happy (unless of course, they’re like that 15-second-of-fame-stretched-out-too-long-for-any-rational-adult’s-thinking David Hogg who believes he is entitled to be in Congress) shelling out that above and beyond cash – and realizing their offspring just wasted the second mortgage money as their Brightest won’t get a job higher than, well, that noted Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s former employment: barista.  Imagine, 30, 40, 50K down the tubes because nitwit Johnny decided to actually LISTEN to Democrats.

So the person being quote is Lucas Meyer, the president of the New Hampshire Young Democrats.  There’s a reason why they say “but we have your children” – to teach them that laws only apply to the little people – and those not Democrats.

(H/T: Nashua Telegraph)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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