Promoted from the Comments: “Yes, Doug Lambert IS That Titular Head”; Commenter Manny nails it

by Skip

Well, given how much I’ve been posting about the Gunstock millionaire’s political mob, it was only a matter of time before GraniteGrok commenters were going to evaluate what the mainstream media was reporting versus what theyhave seen in the videos that I’ve been putting up like at my post where I ask a really simple question:

BREAKING: So Doug Lambert, What Are You Going to Do Now That Another Gunstock Check to the Sununu Campaign Has Surfaced???

The gist of the post is that a second political donation to the Sununu campaign was made out on a Gunstock Area Commission check by newly restored to the payroll, Gunstock Mountain Resort General Manager Tom Day.  The rumor, as I have not seen the check itself, is that it is for TWICE the first check’s amount: $1,000. Such a deal in “promoting Gunstock” to a sitting Governor!  I added this:

Well, Doug Lambert is now on a Morality pickle, isn’t he?  He was the one doing all of the public agitation to bring Tom Day (the resigned General Manager of Gunstock Mountain Resort) back to Doug’s Sacred Mountain, and the above appears.  So what will Doug Lambert, of the Gunstock Area Commission and DGFIndustrial, what will you do?  Stay “loyal” to your new buddy, Tom Day, or do the right thing and let him go for writing another Gunstock check to a political campaign?

No answer to my question has been forthcoming. In fact, I’ve heard nothing at all on Lambert’s take on this problem that is now his entirely.  He’s in the hot seat and in this seems to be acting like blithering Biden in not making a decision (this from a Trump supporter who he both praised Trump for being decisive and was a co-chair in support of his campaign).

Commenter Manny had this to add (emphasis mine):

Congratulations Doug, not only did you negotiate with the hostage takers, you gave them everything they wanted. You’ve gone from MAGA to leader of the cancel mob in a matter of weeks.

And, by the way Doug, you’ll never appease the left:

And that URL points to this – a Letter to the Editor calling for Doug Lambert to resign:

What could be more galling, than after the reckless behavior of many on the Belknap County Delegation that put Gunstock at grave risk, to have newly appointed Gunstock Commissioner Doug Lambert, a fellow traveler of Reps. Mike Sylvia and Norm Silber, explain away the crisis with a reference to far right Republican icon, Barry Goldwater, and a folksy tale about his grandchildren. Total rubbish. The damage inflicted on Gunstock has been substantial. Imagine the negative impact on the resort’s insurance rates which in significant part are determined by the insurers’ confidence in its management. Duh. Doug should Resign now. We should start solving this problem with a clean slate. (David Buckman, Gilford)

Back to Manny’s point in Doug’s flipping over to “the hostage takers”. Actually, it took a few months as I’ve been data mining a number of posts that have been written about Gunstock and noting the dates. I also have an email from Doug that pretty much shows that tipping point when he was Doug V1.0  pinpoints the exact week, perhaps the two day span, where Doug flipped sides and morphed into vicious Doug 2.0.

After all, it is an easy day for me when all I have to do is display someone’s words be they written or in a video; they do the work for me in which I really don’t have to say much at all.  And as you shall see (or in the case of the videos, have already watched), he certainly is speaking for himself and telling everyone who he has become. And how others outside of the Gunstock “bubble” see him.


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