Looks Like the Dems Have Brought in BLM and Antifa Out-Of-State Hired Guns to Push CRT and More in NH

We’re thinking about adding a new MicroGrok up north to give them a voice, and to that end, a new author has been sending Op-Eds. Today’s piece includes an alarming bit of news. A woman who admits she’s here from Seattle to ‘Shake Sh!t Up’ ‘cuz NH is too white.

That’s a shot heard ’round the state, people.

The Local Democrat Party is colluding to bring some unknown number of far-left activists from failing crime-riddled cities like Seattle to alter the character and politics of your state.

Related: Will WRBA and ICE Be Plane-Hopping Infected Illegals Into New Hampshire?

No, not new. They do it all the time. Our state is flooded with operatives who vote here and leave every election, but this feels different.

The Dealey Lama quotes her as saying, “I’ve been SENT out here from Seattle. This place is too white, and we have to shake shit up.”

She is not alone, so we have to wonder why the political left in the Granite State needs hired guns. People who are working, not in the interest of Granite Staters but the political designs of the National Democrat Party.

Sent here by whom?

Who is paying them and for their travel and lodging? And where are these people working?

We know they are in Lebanon, and this activist was guiding illegal aliens around, showing them where to get personal care items. Paid for by whom and where did they come from?

It suggests the rumors are true. Illegals are being flown in by the Feds under dark, no paperwork, no processing, just deposited across the nation to be “managed” by Marxist plants from other states. But how do they know where to find them?

Who in New Hampshire knows where they are, when they got here, how to connect, and where are they staying? Who is paying their way while Marxist infiltrators escort them around the Granite State?

This is a crowdsourcing project, if ever there was one.

Whistleblowers are welcome.

And, it appears we have an answer to this question, now all we need are details.

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