Maxine Water’s Congressional Challenger Joe Collins Goes for the Income Inequality Jugular

Steve MacDonald

Joe Collins is challenging Maxine Waters. Mad Maxine has represented South LA for 44 years, according to Joe. But she doesn’t live in her district. She lives in a 6 million dollar mansion outside and away from South LA, which Joe thinks is a problem.

Related: Republican for Congress Takes Maryland Democrat Politicians to the Woodshed on Black Lives

Joe is a young black man from south LA, and he lives in the district. He joined the Navy, fought for the country, and came home to a warzone.

Mansion Maxine has done nothing for the people in her district, and he’d like to change that.

He’s got a 4-minute ad making these points and others. He discusses crime, poverty, jobs, and of course, Maxine and her mansion. It’s a great ad, and it may look familiar.

It is similar in style to that of Kim Klacik.

We featured her in early August. She’s a young black woman running to flip a Democrat seat in Baltimore. Another downtrodden, crime-riddled district in Democrat control for decades.

Kim is running to fill the seat left by the passing of Elija Cummings, who represented that district for 23 years. Kim’s message is similar. What did he really do? What did any Democrat do? And isn’t time to vote Republican?

Yes, it is. In fact, this is THE time to vote Republican. And it might be now or never.

If the Left’s mishandling of your cities for decades is not enough, the endorsed riots and endless violence should be the straw that breaks that camels back.

And Maxine Waters is the poster child for this disparate outcome.

Her district is a mess, but she lives far away in a mansion she bought while being a public servant. I think we can all agree that serving the public is not what got Maxine the juice to acquire such swanky digs. Her service is to DC and the politics of power and influence. None of which she has used to improve the lives of her constituents.

Joe Collins would like to change that.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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