We have the Video of the Urgent Care Doctors Big Digital Censored (Plus New Video)

On April 26th Rick posted a video from two urgent care doctors in California sharing their observations and data showing that the response to COVID-19 is worse than the virus. Facebook pulls it down wherever they find it. YouTube has blocked it. We have it.

Related:  Doctors Not Only Encouraged by CDC to Claim Death by COVID-19, There’s a Financial Incentive for Hospitals

First, thanks to Don Walker for finding it. Second, thanks to ABC News 23 for doing the report and making the video embeddable. 

You probably can’t share the video directly on Social media but you can share the link to this post. And we’d appreciate it if you would. Be as creative as you like with your title. Just keep in mind that Big Digital is afraid of it. And Big Digital is in big with the progressive ruling class. 

We also have a separate piece of video. A Facebook live interview with Az Rep Andy Briggs and Dr. Erikson featured in the video above. I’ve downloaded the MP4 so if and when Facebook takes this down we will have that as well.

| Sara A. Carter

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