Jeff Woodburn’s Domestic Abuse Posse Discover ‘Stand Your Ground’ (sort of)

Steve MacDonald

Before Democrats could have a choice between embattled incumbent Jeff Woodburn and any other candidate, there would have to be an “other” candidate. Woodburn, when accused of nine counts of domestic abuse, was unopposed. After the Attorney General announced the arrest and charges Kathleen Kelley stepped up to give North Country Democrats a choice.

Would it surprise you to know that Democrat party insiders don’t like choice?

Before the charges were even announced, Democrat chair Ray Buckley was calling for Woodburn to resign. A number of other prominent New Hampshire Democrats formed a large chorus calling for Woodburn to step aside including New Hampshire’s all Gurl Congressional delegation.

I don’t think Jeff likes to listen to women. He refused to resign. He refused to drop his re-election campaign despite the domestic abuse charges or the problems it could cause.

Democrat Kathleen Kelley stepped up to run a write-in campaign in case residents felt turned off by the domestic abuse charges.

It’s not exactly a primary, but you can call it whatever you like because the afore-mentioned North Country Democrats don’t want choice. They don’t even want the appearance of it.

The day after the news hit the Union Leader the now infamous Mayor of Berlin New Hampshire, Paul Greiner wrote, in reference to a link reporting Kelley’s candidacy,

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Paul Grenier <>
Date: Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: I’d like to share a link with you
To: Paul Robitaille <>, <>
She should be out of this mess. What the fuck is going on. It is time to stand your ground!!! She has NO BUSINESS being involved….

Give Paul credit for saying ‘this mess,’ but we know what he means. The victim of the alleged abuse is not well regarded by the not-so-merry members of the Woodburn posse, as we’ve already explored. But now we discover Grenier (using language most Democrats oppose – No, I don’t mean f**k) inspiring his own little #MeToo woman haters club to ‘Stand Your Ground!’

I wonder if he’s printed up the “I’m with Him” T-shirts yet? How about some hats emblazoned with ‘Duck or you Deserve it?’

Stand your ground?

That reminds me. If Jeff Woodburn has any guns did he “turn them in?” Have any of these pro-red flag Democrats turned him into the local police? No, New Hampshire doesn’t have Red Flag laws, but it has Democrats who, if they were worth their rhetoric would demand to know (if it were a Republican). And while I can’t say if Mr. Woodburn has any firearms when you practice what you preach,…oh! Sorry.

This entire tale from beginning to end is rife with examples of Liberals ignoring their own rhetoric in pursuit of political power. The accused abuser is the victim. The challenger, also a woman, is to be opposed. And the media including the Berlin Daily Sun and the website InDepthNH want the arrest records made public (in the first case)  and published the victim’s name knowing it would cause problems for her (in the second).

I guess we should ask where Woodburn’s posse stands on Marsy’s Law the so-called victim’s rights amendment that robs victims of privacy; because at no point has any of the ‘I’m with Him’ players in “this mess” been concerned about anyone but themselves and their connection to Jeff Woodburn’s political power. There’s certainly no concern for the alleged victim, and again I mean don’t mean Jeff Woodburn.

It might also be useful to point out that the Berlin Daily Sun has reporters who are members of the Democrat party, in elected positions. By all accounts, these reporter-party insiders are on the Greiner-Woodburn side of ‘this mess’ while the Berlin Daily Sun is trying to unseal the arrest records.

Jeff Woodburn has recently come out against unsealing those records. Will the paper and his posse change their tune?

Should we expect them to continue upbraiding Kathleen Kelley and bad mouthing Woodburn’s accuser?

Is anyone else going to take the time to report the raging hypocrisies or is it left to the New Media on the right to stand up for these women?

We’re happy to do it.

Unlike our ideological opponents to the Left, we don’t measure someone’s value by their ability to advance political power. A problem so obvious and rampant with the Democrat Party that it spawned the #WalkAway movement.

If you didn’t think it was real, look north to Coos County, New Hampshire. They’ve got more reasons than you can shake a stick at for people to be weary of Democrat Party Games, and there are a  lot of sticks in the North Country.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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