The Left’s second most rallying cry (and generally the lie most likely to be rolled out as a club) is “It’s for the children!” as if that is supposed to stop all debate by shaming their opposition (with the undertone of “what, you hate kids? Don’t much like puppies or Mom’s apple pie either, do you?). When drawn out of the Progressive quiver, it’s one purpose is to stifle and stop debate, for that is what Progressives want. In their hands, the intent is to use it like a steamroller. Lots and lots of issues have seen this used over and over – because it works, mostly. Children are precious – especially when they can be used as pawns.
Except when they get in the way of an adult’s politically correct ideology – which, pretty much, cares not a whit for real youngsters:
A federal civil rights complaint has been filed against the Salt Lake City School Board after a principal booted a Cub Scout pack from an elementary school.
About 30 young boys were told they could no longer meet at Mountain View Elementary School because the Boy Scout’s ban on gay members in leaders conflicted with the school district’s anti-bias policy.
The ban drew the ire of Michael Clara, a school board member and lifetime Boy Scout. Clara filed the federal complaint on behalf of two Latino parents.
“I believe it is an assault on the founding principles of our country for school officials to attempt to exclude a voice no less legitimate than its own from public school participation,” Clara tells me. “A marketplace of ideas devoid of competitive viewpoints engenders an insidious society of conformity, contrary to the fundamental precepts of our Constitution.”
He claims the school district is violating the Boy Scout Act – a law that requires schools to allow access to the Boy Scouts if they allow access to outside groups.
“It’s unfortunate this principal has the backing of the district to implement their own form of discrimination and racism,” Clara said. “They are using the resources of the school system to punish students who don’t agree with us.
It’s rather clear to see – this Principal has decided that his Principle trumps that of the citizens he serves – the parents of those 30 Cubbies. From his exalted position, he had judged the parents of those young Scout to be horrid – how DARE they enroll their kids in a program that serves their own provincial interests and morality even as they pay the taxes that pay his salary? And for being in the teaching profession, would it be time for him to go back to Civics and relearn about the freedom of association?
Once again, we see another case of “who is ruling who?” He is a government employee – is it his place to decree what the parents should believe in order to use their own common property? I keep seeing this same practice over and over that the Educational-Industrial complex has a complex about who knows what’s best for the kids: teachers (and their bosses) or the parents?
Oh yeah, Latino kids whose parents are mostly Catholic – so, is this Principal discriminating against their culture because he is pro-gay?
Just kinda looks that way….