The Stalinist Idea Behind HB135 – The Effort to Repeal Stand Your Ground

I pulled this opening line from a very interesting article by Steven Hayward at Powerline because it reminds us where the lefts hatred for the right of self defense actually comes from, even if they themselves do not know it.

If memory serves, Irving Kristol once remarked that the term “peace,” as it was used by the left, “is a Stalinist concept,” since the intent of the so-called “peace movement” was the unilateral disarmament of the West and the triumph of Communism.

On the big stage Mr. Obama is doing a fine job of advancing that very-communist goal of undermining the US military from within but it occurred to me that the same ideological inheritance that encourages the Obama administration’s effort to put the US military into therapy is equally rich with a “peace movement” mentality which the average street-level apparatchik deploys (at the direction of their professional left-wing betters) against the second amendment.

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Kathy Sullivan Channels Adam Smith?

Kathy Sullivan channels Adam Smith (?) in John DiStaso’s Granite Status…(In regard to the Casino Bill Vote)

“But what amazed me is the lack of willingness (by opponents of both parties) to recognize the amount of gambling we already have in New Hampshire, with all of the under-regulated charitable gaming, and it continues to grow and grow,” Sullivan said.

“It’s as if they don’t see it, but it’s there.”

The key phrases here are “under-regulated” and “continues to grow and grow.”

If Sullivan’s intellectual agility were not chained to the statist dogma of the Democrat party she might have been able to reach the obvious conclusion that if you under regulate “it,” “it” is almost guaranteed to grow and grow, and that includes employment, wages, wealth creation, opportunity, self-reliance,  charity, and even tax revenue; while costs and prices are not-so-mysteriously driven inexorably down by growing choice and competition.

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Guest Post by Scott Morales- “Atrocity, Mass Murder, Mayhem? It’s the Tea Party!”

GraniteGrok is proud to introduce Scott Morales to our pages.  He is a regular contributor over at Merrimack Patch but we liked his work so much we’ve invited him to share some of it here at GraniteGrok.


Atrocity, Mass Murder, Mayhem? It’s the Tea Party!

Is it really surprising that ABC jumped to Tea Party accusations, immediately tying them to the movie theater shooting in Colorado? Maybe to some. I mean, anyone not living in a left wing bubble can easily discern some characteristics of the pathetic psycho who opened fire during a Batman movie and place them on the political spectrum, but they do not do so. Most people do not and will not see this atrocity as a political statement or it being motivated by the crushing burden of Obamanomics, but the brilliant, perspicacious rogues that occupy the left will and do see this through the smudged, greasy lense of politics. This is because most don’t think in terms of politics, but the left does. So what is the motivation for those who do place all things on the political spectrum? What compelled ABC’s Brian Ross to insert the Tea Party into the story? Steve pointed to one possibility in this case, but I think it goes deeper.

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Well Isn’t This Rich. (Or Not, Actually.)

Has it occurred to anyone that the Democrat’s “Tax the Rich™” agenda (coming soon in “Middle Class” sizes) isn’t so much a goal of taking more from those who have more (to give it to those who have less) it is to keep people who are not connected to the government power structure–from becoming rich … Read more

If You Listen Closely You Will Hear The Sound of Creeping Tyranny

Any story like this has to begin with our hopes and prayers for all the injured.  A Fireworks accident at a private residence in Pelham New Hampshire resulted in 11 injuries, 5 of those being children, one as young as 8 month old–according to this morning’s Union Leader.  So please take a moment to offer your thoughts and prayers for their quick recovery.

Now, let us ready ourselves for the sound of creeping tyranny…

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Notable Quote – Frank Chodorov

On this day where we celebrate Freedom, a warning on those that would take it away: Perhaps it is an inner need that impels the socialist to his ideology, for I have never met an advocate of government intervention who did not admit, inadvertently, his own capacity for commissariat functions.  He always has a plan, … Read more

Modern ‘Episcopal’ Family

Shield_of_the_US_Episcopal_Church.svgNew Hampshire Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson is retiring.  His successor was chosen from these three candidates.

William W. Rich, senior associate rector for Christian Formation at Trinity Episcopal Church in Boston; A Homosexual man married to a man.

Penelope Maud Bridges, rector of St. Francis Episcopal Church in Great Falls, Va.:A divorced woman.

Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld, 50, of Grace Church in Amherst (MA): A Heterosexual man.

Not your Fathers Episcopal Church anymore is it?  Not even when they choose the heterosexual guy.

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