Winds Of Change

It should be common knowledge that if we get rid of John Lynch and enough democrats that we can also free New Hampshire from the retarded fad known as RGGI. And the green energy initiatives that are all based on flawed science and an economic model that costs us jobs and business growth.

At present, utility companies have been forced to provide 25% of their capacity from ‘green only sources.’  But as with all liberal dingbat ideas, it’s only the green energy they like. So, nuclear and hydro are excluded even though they are otherwise universally accepted as renewable and low carbon output (since that seems to be the goal).

New Hampshire produces over 60% of its total electricity output from nuclear and hydro. This makes RGGI a tax and grab scam to fund left-wing causes. And the green energy initiatives little more than a leftist power grab to force traditional energy to prop up their favored special interests in Wind and Solar.

And the ones who are paying for this are consumers and small businesses.

So ditching Lynch would go a long way to ending the stupidity of these programs, something that becomes more critical when you consider that the EPA is prepared to treat biomass energy as ineligible for special treatment.  That would be the same biomass that Jeanne Shaheen insisted would make New Hampshire the renewable energy capital of the nation and create jobs.

Well, here’s a news flash.  If Biomass has to operate under the same liberal prejudice applied to coal (as would everything but wind and solar), it will cost more. This means it will produce less growth and fewer jobs–and very likely not count towards the illusion of 25% we already surpassed as a state years ago.

Now, rumor has it that New Jersey is considering new legislation to leave RGGI.  New Hampshire should beat them to the punch.

I’ve been calling for the end of RGGI in New Hampshire since it was signed into law by Governor Lynch.  A new governor and a republican lead legislature could draft new language. Promote inexpensive responsible energy. End the 25% green mandate by either eliminating it, or broadening it to include Hydro, Nuclear, and biomass. And by excluding the smaller producers who would never be able to compete.

Then we go back to promoting good old fashioned voluntary, self-responsible conservation measures instead of moronic mandates funded by the green lobby and enforced by the liberal police-state.

It would take the pressure off the electricity producers, keep prices down, and make the state more desirable for new business.   It would put dollars back into the pockets of business and industry–at least 13 to 18 million per year from the RGGI carbon tax alone, money they could use to create a real job or to improve infrastructure on their own dime.

So get rid of Lynch and Norelli, (and the rest) and end RGGI.  It’s good for you and good for New Hampshire.

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