Israel and Hamas have agreed to a cease-fire, but don’t let Biden’s Handmaiden media mislead you. This deal only happened because Donald Trump was President.
First of all, the Biden Administration has allegedly been trying to broker a peace deal for over a year now. Regular readers will recall Biden’s negotiations have, for some reason, been led by the CIA instead of the State Department for what, despite the Biden Administration’s stalwart ‘commitment to transparency,’ remains a complete mystery. But set that aside. The point is, no deal even got close to being inked until now, the last few days before Trump’s Inauguration.
Indeed, the reports say Biden’s negotiators offered this same deal in May (which is why they call it “Biden’s deal”) but Hamas refused. It seems logical they only agreed to it now because of the pending change in U.S. government.
President Trump has been very clear about what happens if civilian hostages are not released by the time he takes office—a threat not entirely defined but understood. Unlike the Biden Administration – which is about as threatening (to our foreign enemies) as a box of newborn kittens, the idea that Trump might do to Hamas what he did to ISIS has to have had some effect.
What Trump may have to do to ISIS again.
Obama let those zealots run free for years, burning people and tossing gays off roofs, which earned condemnation but no meaningful action. And why would it? ISIS knew what the restrictive rules of engagement were.
Trump said do what you have to and go get them, and ISIS ceased to matter in six months or less.
Biden? He gave the Taliban a nation and the world’s biggest military hardware yard sale with which to fund and defend it. Hamas also knows that US Democrats say they love Israel and the Jews while hating them. While Dem-voting professors, pundits, and activists praise Hamas and criticize Israel.
Trump has no such quandary, and with an incoming cabinet that has no interest in forever wars or war at all except to defend the homeland, continued conflict in Israel and Ukraine are not considered priorities. They are sucking at resources the US needs to reboot its economy for regular Americans.
It is true that the US is interested in Eastern Ukraine’s mineral wealth, not sovereignty. Biden’s war is economic, not democratic, and Trump would rather barter it out of whoever has it. Make a deal that benefits everyone instead of wasting lives and destroying the landscape. And all those emissions!
Make sure you have a big stick (instead of Biden’s little one), but barter for peace and mutual prosperity. It’s not an easy task, given the wreckage of Democrat rule.
Mr. Trump steps into the Oval on January 20 faced with a mountain of BS to unravel, much of it piled up in the weeks since Joe’s protege lost the November election. Having some Middle East cease-fire in place is one less thing to have to deal with, and it sets the stage for real peace and a future of regional economic benefit and prosperity – just like the last time Trump was President.