China Is Reevaluating its Timing for Retaking Taiwan

Taiwan is an important strategic ally of the United States.  China has been watching us and listening to our leadership.  So, let’s put ourselves in China’s shoes.  Let’s talk about China’s response to America’s drone program called Replicator.

The idea of the Replicator drone program is that the US will flood Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait with thousands of drones infused with artificial intelligence.  We will fill the skies and the seas with a hellscape of firepower. The idea is to deter Beijing from invading Taipei. 

The threat is to cause an ungodly loss of Chinese soldiers, airmen, and sailors.  The understanding is that it will thwart their invasion. The Replicator program plan is slated to fully deploy US drones to the region by August of 2025. China is not only aware of the program, but planning to fight fire with fire.

The South China Morning Post reports the Chinese Military is considering changing their attack strategy for Taiwan.  Instead of starting an invasion with traditional military assets like boats, planes, and soldiers, the attack would begin with a drone blockade of the island.

Here’s the plan.  The Chinese drones would be tethered together by AI to coordinate their firepower, hopefully well before the Replicator drones get there.  If not, it would be a massive drone war; our Replicators vs. the CCP’s Red drones.

We want to thank Marc Abear for this Contribution – Please direct yours to You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines on the FAQ Page.

Beijing believes they’d win.  Taipei would be forced to exhaust their missile defense systems and other anti-drone capabilities, leaving an opening for conventional forces.  Beijing believes they have both better drones and more production capacity.  The truth is they are right.  US companies are learning more given the drone wars in Ukraine… But China is closer, with shorter supply lines and has more production capacity.   

When China was asked about the Replicator program, here’s what their Ministry of Defense said in response: “Those who clamor for turning others’ homeland into hell should get ready for burning in hell themselves.” And that’s not a bluff.

The CCP has American critical infrastructure wired with cyber tools.  From water to electricity to gas and oil pipelines, we are vulnerable.  They’ve also got tens of thousands of illegals across our southern border, totally unvetted and likely saboteurs.

China has serious conventional firepower to hit our bases in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Guam, and airstrips in places like Palau.  Now, add to that formidable list their advantage in drones.  To be clear, the Pentagon says they can go toe to toe in this drone hellscape to come.  They say they can hang in there for about a month.

We better hope so.  Look for Pres. Xi to try to take Taiwan by August of 2025.  His conventional advantage is shrinking.  Then again, maybe he will look at Mr. Biden and strike in the next few months. Our Commander in Chief cannot function even marginally, except between 10 am and 4 pm. That seems like a good advantage to capitalize on, Replicator drones aside. 

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