“The chickens comin’ home to roost…” God help us


I just stumbled upon this Youtube. When one takes the present happenings around the world in places like Russia/ Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, etcetera, overlayed with the events on September 11th, 2001, and the radical Islamists’ continued threats against us and our way of life, one finds it’s not a pretty picture. I don’t want some newbie in charge like Barack Obama, with a default reaction to everything being cave and compromise.

This video contains some very powerful images, and ends with some intense shots of the planes hitting the Twin Towers from various camera angles followed by the collapse. While horrific in nature, all Americans should rewatch them again and again as to not forget what was done to us and by whom…

Barack Obama has no intention of defending this country against the very real, very big threats we face. Here he is downplaying the threats during a visit here to our neck of the woods a little over a year ago:


The Russians are threatening Poland with nuclear weapons! They have laid waste to portions of a supposed sovereign nation. The Chinese… well, they’re the Chinese, and they have the money, and the manpower (along with our military secrets passed along to them during the Clinton administration) to do who knows what in the coming years. The Islamists are still working feverishly to spread their ideology by all means possible, taking full advantage of our freedoms which, sadly, they are using to protect their twisted mission amongst us. It’s my observation that Barack Obama has the worldview of an eight year old… you know, "wishing" for peace in the world. (With apologies to those eight year olds out there that DO get it…)

It’s a nasty world out there, whether we want to believe it, or not…

Taliban executing woman in soccer field..

mushroom cloud.Ahmadinejad.Putin

There has always been bad, evil people in the world, and chances are, that won’t ever change. When they see opportunity, they go for it. I don’t want to elect Obama and give them that window of chance.



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