As might be expected after the horrible mass murders in El Paso and Dayton, the hard left Democrats are calling for bans on high-capacity magazines and so-called assault weapons. But let’s take a look at what that really means.
You don’t need that
Bob Costas – showing that he is a true Liberal with a single phrase
We’re not done covering sports broadcaster Bob Costas and his outburst for gun control during Monday Night Football. In trying to “explain” his MNF soliliquoy, he let this sally forth as some kind of an explanation. Now, there are a lot of folks that are just concentrating on the talk specifically about guns; my beef with him is how he phrased it (see if you can catch it). From the Washington Post (via Breitbart):
“Here’s where I stand: I do not want to see the Second Amendment repealed. … People should be allowed to own guns for their own protection. Obviously, those who are hunters. … Access to guns is too easy in some cases. I don’t see any reason a citizen should be able to arm himself in some states in ways only police or military should — to have a virtual militia [by] mail order or gun shows. Why do you need a semi-automatic weapon? What possible use is there? … Whitlock wrote about a gun culture. That’s what I was focusing on.”
Part of the culture is the proliferation of weapons, he said.
“There are those who believe that denying a semi automatic weapon or an assault rifle is the first step down a slippery slope in denying an old lady a gun for her own protection,” Costas said. “There are people who honestly believe that in Aurora [Colo.] if only a dozen or so people there to watch the Batman movie had been packin’, they would have been able to take down the nut job in full body armor with military-type guns
No, you didn’t leave much open for interpretation, sir. You said one of the magic Liberal phrases: