Pleasant Lies or Painful Truth

Pleasant Lies or Painful Truth

It is coming time for us to choose between pleasant lies or painful truth. Do federal policymakers really know how to improve productivity in the American economy? The answer seems to be NO. Education is a large sector of the American economy. If educational results are an indication, the answer is definitely in the negative.

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Who will be Hurt by Free College Tuition?

Who will be hurt by free college tuition? Politicians from your favorite party are willing to pander to anyone who will listen. They will promise anything to anyone. They are good at promising free stuff. What they are bad at is avoiding unintended consequences. Providing free stuff to everyone all the time does come with … Read more

Elizabeth Warren’s Workers Plan

Elizabeth Warren’s Workers Plan

The name of Elizabeth Warren’s latest proposal is ‘Empowering American Workers and Raising Wages’. Media outlets are largely not reporting on the release.

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Soak the rich

Soak the Rich! Soak the Rich! Soak the Rich!

Tax Hikes on the Wealthy Alone Can’t Pay for ‘Medicare for All’. Over thirty two trillion dollars is a lot of money so soak the rich. That’s the analyst estimate of the 10-year cost of Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” plan. The two dozen, or so, Democrat presidential hopefuls are all either on the Bernie … Read more

Dems Run on Absurd Economic Ideas … Part 1 of 3

Leftists fall short in many areas. They are full of big, bold ideas that no one can implement or pay for. Ideas, many of which were on display during the last two 2020 presidential hopeful debates. It’s one thing to have an idea, but it is quite another to be able to transform it into … Read more

Do It For The Kids

The recently announced spending and lift the debt ceiling deal is bad deal for Americans’ future. Congress continues to abdicate its responsibility manage the nations purse responsibly. It’s failing to protect the future of the nation. Congress refuses to discharge its constitutional duty. It is not keeping America safe from the economic and national security … Read more

US Constitution shredded

If this unenumerated item is a Constitutional Right, what about this Enumerated one?

SHOT: Paul Waldman “Because if you believe women should have a right to an abortion, that right ought to have practical meaning for everyone. We believe that the Constitution’s right of due process requires that you have legal representation if you’re accused of a crime, but we don’t say that if you can’t afford it, tough … Read more

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